no code implementations • WS 2020 • Gina Bustamante, Arturo Oncevay
We introduce new monolingual corpora for four indigenous and endangered languages from Peru: Shipibo-konibo, Ashaninka, Yanesha and Yine.
no code implementations • ACL 2020 • Kervy Rivas Rojas, Gina Bustamante, Arturo Oncevay, Marco A. Sobrevilla Cabezudo
We use the class-definition embeddings as an additional input to condition the prediction of the next layer and in an adapted beam search.
no code implementations • LREC 2020 • Gina Bustamante, Arturo Oncevay, Roberto Zariquiey
We introduce new monolingual corpora for four indigenous and endangered languages from Peru: Shipibo-konibo, Ashaninka, Yanesha and Yine.
no code implementations • WS 2019 • Gina Bustamante, Arturo Oncevay
We introduce a shift on the DS method over the domain of crime-related news from Peru, attempting to find the culprit, victim and location of a crime description from a RE perspective.