Search Results for author: Gissel Velarde

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Evaluating XGBoost for Balanced and Imbalanced Data: Application to Fraud Detection

no code implementations27 Mar 2023 Gissel Velarde, Anindya Sudhir, Sanjay Deshmane, Anuj Deshmunkh, Khushboo Sharma, Vaibhav Joshi

Random search fine-tuning provides consistent improvement for large datasets of 100 thousand samples, not so for medium and small datasets of 10 and 1 thousand samples, respectively.

Fraud Detection

Forecasting with Deep Learning

1 code implementation17 Feb 2023 Gissel Velarde

This paper presents a method for time series forecasting with deep learning and its assessment on two datasets.

Deep Learning Time Series +1

Benchmarking Algorithms for Automatic License Plate Recognition

no code implementations27 Mar 2022 Marcel Del Castillo Velarde, Gissel Velarde

We evaluated the algorithm on two datasets, one composed of real license plate images and the other of synthetic license plate images.

Benchmarking License Plate Recognition +3

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