Search Results for author: Gooitzen van der Wal

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Data-Driven Pixel Control: Challenges and Prospects

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Saurabh Farkya, Zachary Alan Daniels, Aswin Raghavan, Gooitzen van der Wal, Michael Isnardi, Michael Piacentino, David Zhang

We study a data-driven system that combines dynamic sensing at the pixel level with computer vision analytics at the video level and propose a feedback control loop to minimize data movement between the sensor front-end and computational back-end without compromising detection and tracking precision.

object-detection Object Detection

Real-time Hyper-Dimensional Reconfiguration at the Edge using Hardware Accelerators

no code implementations10 Jun 2022 Indhumathi Kandaswamy, Saurabh Farkya, Zachary Daniels, Gooitzen van der Wal, Aswin Raghavan, Yuzheng Zhang, Jun Hu, Michael Lomnitz, Michael Isnardi, David Zhang, Michael Piacentino

In this paper we present Hyper-Dimensional Reconfigurable Analytics at the Tactical Edge (HyDRATE) using low-SWaP embedded hardware that can perform real-time reconfiguration at the edge leveraging non-MAC (free of floating-point MultiplyACcumulate operations) deep neural nets (DNN) combined with hyperdimensional (HD) computing accelerators.

Few-Shot Learning Quantization

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