no code implementations • 8 Aug 2024 • Saurabh Farkya, Zachary Alan Daniels, Aswin Raghavan, Gooitzen van der Wal, Michael Isnardi, Michael Piacentino, David Zhang
We study a data-driven system that combines dynamic sensing at the pixel level with computer vision analytics at the video level and propose a feedback control loop to minimize data movement between the sensor front-end and computational back-end without compromising detection and tracking precision.
no code implementations • 10 Jun 2022 • Indhumathi Kandaswamy, Saurabh Farkya, Zachary Daniels, Gooitzen van der Wal, Aswin Raghavan, Yuzheng Zhang, Jun Hu, Michael Lomnitz, Michael Isnardi, David Zhang, Michael Piacentino
In this paper we present Hyper-Dimensional Reconfigurable Analytics at the Tactical Edge (HyDRATE) using low-SWaP embedded hardware that can perform real-time reconfiguration at the edge leveraging non-MAC (free of floating-point MultiplyACcumulate operations) deep neural nets (DNN) combined with hyperdimensional (HD) computing accelerators.