Search Results for author: Gord Lueck

Found 4 papers, 1 papers with code

Assessing Privacy Risks in Language Models: A Case Study on Summarization Tasks

no code implementations20 Oct 2023 Ruixiang Tang, Gord Lueck, Rodolfo Quispe, Huseyin A Inan, Janardhan Kulkarni, Xia Hu

Large language models have revolutionized the field of NLP by achieving state-of-the-art performance on various tasks.

text similarity

Explicit and Implicit Semantic Ranking Framework

no code implementations11 Apr 2023 Xiaofeng Zhu, Thomas Lin, Vishal Anand, Matthew Calderwood, Eric Clausen-Brown, Gord Lueck, Wen-wai Yim, Cheng Wu

The core challenge in numerous real-world applications is to match an inquiry to the best document from a mutable and finite set of candidates.

Learning-To-Rank Text Summarization

MIMICS: A Large-Scale Data Collection for Search Clarification

1 code implementation17 Jun 2020 Hamed Zamani, Gord Lueck, Everest Chen, Rodolfo Quispe, Flint Luu, Nick Craswell

In this paper, we introduce MIMICS, a collection of search clarification datasets for real web search queries sampled from the Bing query logs.


Analyzing and Learning from User Interactions for Search Clarification

no code implementations30 May 2020 Hamed Zamani, Bhaskar Mitra, Everest Chen, Gord Lueck, Fernando Diaz, Paul N. Bennett, Nick Craswell, Susan T. Dumais

We also propose a model for learning representation for clarifying questions based on the user interaction data as implicit feedback.

Re-Ranking Retrieval

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