Search Results for author: Guanding Yu

Found 36 papers, 10 papers with code

What If We Had Used a Different App? Reliable Counterfactual KPI Analysis in Wireless Systems

no code implementations30 Sep 2024 Qiushuo Hou, Sangwoo Park, Matteo Zecchin, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Osvaldo Simeone

In modern wireless network architectures, such as Open Radio Access Network (O-RAN), the operation of the radio access network (RAN) is managed by applications, or apps for short, deployed at intelligent controllers.

Conformal Prediction counterfactual +1

Learned Image Transmission with Hierarchical Variational Autoencoder

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Guangyi Zhang, Hanlei Li, Yunlong Cai, Qiyu Hu, Guanding Yu, Runmin Zhang

In this paper, we introduce an innovative hierarchical joint source-channel coding (HJSCC) framework for image transmission, utilizing a hierarchical variational autoencoder (VAE).

Automatic AI Model Selection for Wireless Systems: Online Learning via Digital Twinning

1 code implementation22 Jun 2024 Qiushuo Hou, Matteo Zecchin, Sangwoo Park, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Kaushik Chowdhury, Osvaldo Simeone

This paper proposes a novel method for the online optimization of AMS mapping that corrects for the bias of the simulator by means of limited real data collected from the physical system.

Graph Neural Network Model Selection +1

From Analog to Digital: Multi-Order Digital Joint Coding-Modulation for Semantic Communication

no code implementations8 Jun 2024 Guangyi Zhang, Pujing Yang, Yunlong Cai, Qiyu Hu, Guanding Yu

Herein, we treat modulation/demodulation as a constrained quantization process and introduce scaling operations alongside manually crafted noise to approximate this process.

Dimensionality Reduction Quantization +1

An Information-Theoretic Framework for Out-of-Distribution Generalization

no code implementations29 Mar 2024 Wenliang Liu, Guanding Yu, Lele Wang, Renjie Liao

We study the Out-of-Distribution (OOD) generalization in machine learning and propose a general framework that provides information-theoretic generalization bounds.

Generalization Bounds Out-of-Distribution Generalization

Feature Allocation for Semantic Communication with Space-Time Importance Awareness

no code implementations26 Jan 2024 Kequan Zhou, Guangyi Zhang, Yunlong Cai, Qiyu Hu, Guanding Yu, A. Lee Swindlehurst

To tackle this challenge, we introduce a framework called Feature Allocation for Semantic Transmission (FAST), which offers adaptability to channel fluctuations across both spatial and temporal domains.

Attribute Semantic Communication

Deep Refinement-Based Joint Source Channel Coding over Time-Varying Channels

no code implementations26 Nov 2023 Junyu Pan, Hanlei Li, Guangyi Zhang, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

This specialization poses a limitation, as their performance tends to wane in practical scenarios marked by highly dynamic channels, given that a fixed SNR inadequately represents the dynamic nature of such channels.

Alleviating Distortion Accumulation in Multi-Hop Semantic Communication

1 code implementation22 Aug 2023 Guangyi Zhang, Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

To address the problem of distortion accumulation, we introduce a novel recursive training method for the encoder and decoder of semantic communication systems.

Decoder Semantic Communication

SCAN: Semantic Communication with Adaptive Channel Feedback

no code implementations27 Jun 2023 Guangyi Zhang, Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

Then, since the images with lower reconstruction quality are generally less robust and need to be allocated with more communication resources, we propose a novel framework of Semantic Communication with Adaptive chaNnel feedback (SCAN).

Semantic Communication

Meta-Gating Framework for Fast and Continuous Resource Optimization in Dynamic Wireless Environments

no code implementations23 Jun 2023 Qiushuo Hou, Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Yunlong Cai

The proposed framework, consisting of an inner network and an outer network, aims to adapt to the dynamic wireless environment by achieving three important goals, i. e., seamlessness, quickness and continuity.

Image Classification Meta-Learning +2

Rate-Adaptive Coding Mechanism for Semantic Communications With Multi-Modal Data

no code implementations18 May 2023 Yangshuo He, Guanding Yu, Yunlong Cai

Based on the proposed framework, we further establish a general rate-adaptive coding mechanism for various types of multi-modal semantic tasks.

Decoder Semantic Communication

Deep-Unfolding for Next-Generation Transceivers

no code implementations15 May 2023 Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guangyi Zhang, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

Then, some endeavors in applying deep-unfolding approaches in next-generation advanced transceiver design are presented.

Adaptive CSI Feedback for Deep Learning-Enabled Image Transmission

no code implementations27 Feb 2023 Guangyi Zhang, Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

In particular, we develop a performance evaluator to predict the reconstruction quality of each image, so that the proposed scheme can adaptively decrease the CSI feedback overhead for the transmitted images with high predicted reconstruction qualities in the JSCC system.

Deep Learning

Design and Performance Analysis of Wireless Legitimate Surveillance Systems with Radar Function

no code implementations13 Feb 2023 Mianyi Zhang, Yinghui He, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Naofal Al-Dhahir

We seek to jointly optimize the receive and transmit beamforming vectors to maximize the eavesdropping success probability which is transformed into the difference of signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratios (SINRs) subject to the performance requirements of radar and surveillance.

Graph Neural Networks Meet Wireless Communications: Motivation, Applications, and Future Directions

no code implementations8 Dec 2022 Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Huaiyu Dai, Geoffrey Ye Li

As an efficient graph analytical tool, graph neural networks (GNNs) have special properties that are particularly fit for the characteristics and requirements of wireless communications, exhibiting good potential for the advancement of next-generation wireless communications.

Privacy-Preserving Decentralized Inference with Graph Neural Networks in Wireless Networks

no code implementations15 Aug 2022 Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Huaiyu Dai

As an efficient neural network model for graph data, graph neural networks (GNNs) recently find successful applications for various wireless optimization problems.

Efficient Neural Network Management +1

Robust Semantic Communications with Masked VQ-VAE Enabled Codebook

1 code implementation8 Jun 2022 Qiyu Hu, Guangyi Zhang, Zhijin Qin, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

Although semantic communications have exhibited satisfactory performance for a large number of tasks, the impact of semantic noise and the robustness of the systems have not been well investigated.

Feature Importance Semantic Communication

A Unified Multi-Task Semantic Communication System with Domain Adaptation

no code implementations1 Jun 2022 Guangyi Zhang, Qiyu Hu, Zhijin Qin, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed U-DeepSC achieves comparable performance to the task-oriented semantic communication system designed for a specific task with significant transmission overhead reduction and much less number of model parameters.

Domain Adaptation Semantic Communication

Robust Semantic Communications Against Semantic Noise

no code implementations7 Feb 2022 Qiyu Hu, Guangyi Zhang, Zhijin Qin, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

In this paper, we first propose a framework for the robust end-to-end semantic communication systems to combat the semantic noise.

Quantization Semantic Communication

DDPG-Driven Deep-Unfolding with Adaptive Depth for Channel Estimation with Sparse Bayesian Learning

no code implementations20 Jan 2022 Qiyu Hu, Shuhan Shi, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu

Furthermore, the proposed framework is extended to realize the adaptive depth of the general deep neural networks (DNNs).

Deep-Unfolding Beamforming for Intelligent Reflecting Surface assisted Full-Duplex Systems

no code implementations4 Dec 2021 Yanzhen Liu, Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

Moreover, due to the high computational complexity caused by the matrix inversion computation in the SSCA-based optimization algorithm, we further develop a deep-unfolding neural network (NN) to address this issue.

Two-Timescale End-to-End Learning for Channel Acquisition and Hybrid Precoding

1 code implementation22 Oct 2021 Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Kai Kang, Guanding Yu, Jakob Hoydis, Yonina C. Eldar

To reduce the signaling overhead and channel state information (CSI) mismatch caused by the transmission delay, a two-timescale DNN composed of a long-term DNN and a short-term DNN is developed.

A New Distributed Method for Training Generative Adversarial Networks

no code implementations19 Jul 2021 Jinke Ren, Chonghe Liu, Guanding Yu, Dongning Guo

This paper proposes a new framework for training GANs in a distributed fashion: Each device computes a local discriminator using local data; a single server aggregates their results and computes a global GAN.

Decentralized Inference with Graph Neural Networks in Wireless Communication Systems

no code implementations19 Apr 2021 Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Huaiyu Dai

Different from other neural network models, GNN can be implemented in a decentralized manner with information exchanges among neighbors, making it a potentially powerful tool for decentralized control in wireless communication systems.

Efficient Neural Network Graph Neural Network

Learning-based WiFi Traffic Load Estimation in NR-U Systems

no code implementations8 Feb 2021 Rui Yin, Zhiqun Zou, Celimuge Wu, Jiantao Yuan, Xianfu Chen, Guanding Yu

An unsupervised Neural Network (NN) structure is applied to filter the detected transmission collision probability on the unlicensed spectrum, which enables the NR users to precisely rectify the measurement error and estimate the number of active WiFi users.

Information Theory Information Theory

Joint Deep Reinforcement Learning and Unfolding: Beam Selection and Precoding for mmWave Multiuser MIMO with Lens Arrays

1 code implementation5 Jan 2021 Qiyu Hu, Yanzhen Liu, Yunlong Cai, Guanding Yu, Zhi Ding

In this work, we investigate the joint design of beam selection and digital precoding matrices for mmWave MU-MIMO systems with DLA to maximize the sum-rate subject to the transmit power constraint and the constraints of the selection matrix structure.

Deep Reinforcement Learning

A Fast Graph Neural Network-Based Method for Winner Determination in Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions

no code implementations29 Sep 2020 Mengyuan Lee, Seyyedali Hosseinalipour, Christopher G. Brinton, Guanding Yu, Huaiyu Dai

However, the problem of allocating items among the bidders to maximize the auctioneers" revenue, i. e., the winner determination problem (WDP), is NP-complete to solve and inapproximable.

Cloud Computing Graph Neural Network

Iterative Algorithm Induced Deep-Unfolding Neural Networks: Precoding Design for Multiuser MIMO Systems

1 code implementation15 Jun 2020 Qiyu Hu, Yunlong Cai, Qingjiang Shi, Kaidi Xu, Guanding Yu, Zhi Ding

Then, we implement the proposed deepunfolding framework to solve the sum-rate maximization problem for precoding design in MU-MIMO systems.

Scheduling for Cellular Federated Edge Learning with Importance and Channel Awareness

no code implementations1 Apr 2020 Jinke Ren, Yinghui He, Dingzhu Wen, Guanding Yu, Kaibin Huang, Dongning Guo

In this paper, a novel scheduling policy is proposed to exploit both diversity in multiuser channels and diversity in the "importance" of the edge devices' learning updates.

Diversity Scheduling

Accelerating Generalized Benders Decomposition for Wireless Resource Allocation

1 code implementation3 Mar 2020 Mengyuan Lee, Ning Ma, Guanding Yu, Huaiyu Dai

Only useful cuts are added to the master problem and thus the complexity of the master problem is reduced.

Deep Learning based Wireless Resource Allocation with Application to Vehicular Networks

no code implementations7 Jul 2019 Le Liang, Hao Ye, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

The traditional wisdom is to explicitly formulate resource allocation as an optimization problem and then exploit mathematical programming to solve the problem to a certain level of optimality.

Deep Learning Deep Reinforcement Learning +1

Graph Embedding based Wireless Link Scheduling with Few Training Samples

1 code implementation7 Jun 2019 Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

In this paper, we propose a novel graph embedding based method for link scheduling in D2D networks.

Graph Embedding Scheduling

Accelerating DNN Training in Wireless Federated Edge Learning Systems

no code implementations23 May 2019 Jinke Ren, Guanding Yu, Guangyao Ding

The optimal solution in this scenario is manifested to have the similar structure as that of the CPU scenario, recommending that our proposed algorithm is applicable in more general systems.

Learning to Branch: Accelerating Resource Allocation in Wireless Networks

1 code implementation5 Mar 2019 Mengyuan Lee, Guanding Yu, Geoffrey Ye Li

Moreover, we develop a mixed training strategy to further reinforce the generalization ability and a deep neural network (DNN) with a novel loss function to achieve better dynamic control over optimality and computational complexity.

Information Theory Information Theory

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