Search Results for author: Guanghao Yin

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

Learning Language-guided Adaptive Hyper-modality Representation for Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

1 code implementation9 Oct 2023 Haoyu Zhang, Yu Wang, Guanghao Yin, Kejun Liu, Yuanyuan Liu, Tianshu Yu

Though Multimodal Sentiment Analysis (MSA) proves effective by utilizing rich information from multiple sources (e. g., language, video, and audio), the potential sentiment-irrelevant and conflicting information across modalities may hinder the performance from being further improved.

Multimodal Sentiment Analysis

Noise-Resistant Multimodal Transformer for Emotion Recognition

no code implementations4 May 2023 Yuanyuan Liu, Haoyu Zhang, Yibing Zhan, Zijing Chen, Guanghao Yin, Lin Wei, Zhe Chen

To this end, we present a novel paradigm that attempts to extract noise-resistant features in its pipeline and introduces a noise-aware learning scheme to effectively improve the robustness of multimodal emotion understanding.

Multimodal Emotion Recognition

Online Streaming Video Super-Resolution with Convolutional Look-Up Table

no code implementations1 Mar 2023 Guanghao Yin, Zefan Qu, Xinyang Jiang, Shan Jiang, Zhenhua Han, Ningxin Zheng, Xiaohong Liu, Huan Yang, Yuqing Yang, Dongsheng Li, Lili Qiu

To facilitate the research on this problem, a new benchmark dataset named LDV-WebRTC is constructed based on a real-world online streaming system.

Video Super-Resolution

Content-Variant Reference Image Quality Assessment via Knowledge Distillation

1 code implementation26 Feb 2022 Guanghao Yin, Wei Wang, Zehuan Yuan, Chuchu Han, Wei Ji, Shouqian Sun, Changhu Wang

The comparisons of distribution differences between HQ and LQ images can help our model better assess the image quality.

Knowledge Distillation

Conditional Hyper-Network for Blind Super-Resolution with Multiple Degradations

1 code implementation8 Apr 2021 Guanghao Yin, Wei Wang, Zehuan Yuan, Wei Ji, Dongdong Yu, Shouqian Sun, Tat-Seng Chua, Changhu Wang

We extract degradation prior at task-level with the proposed ConditionNet, which will be used to adapt the parameters of the basic SR network (BaseNet).

Blind Super-Resolution Image Super-Resolution

A Efficient Multimodal Framework for Large Scale Emotion Recognition by Fusing Music and Electrodermal Activity Signals

1 code implementation22 Aug 2020 Guanghao Yin, Shou-qian Sun, Dian Yu, Dejian Li, Kejun Zhang

In this paper, our work makes an attempt to fuse the subject individual EDA features and the external evoked music features.

Emotion Recognition

Joint Generative Learning and Super-Resolution For Real-World Camera-Screen Degradation

no code implementations1 Aug 2020 Guanghao Yin, Shou-qian Sun, Chao Li, Xin Min

Firstly, the downsampling degradation GAN(DD-GAN) is trained to model the degradation and produces more various of LR images, which is validated to be efficient for data augmentation.

Data Augmentation Image Super-Resolution

User independent Emotion Recognition with Residual Signal-Image Network

no code implementations10 Aug 2019 Guanghao Yin, Shou-qian Sun, HUI ZHANG, Dian Yu, Chao Li, Ke-jun Zhang, Ning Zou

To the best of author's knowledge, our method is the first attempt to classify large scale subject-independent emotion with 7962 pieces of EDA signals from 457 subjects.

Binary Classification Emotion Recognition

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