Search Results for author: Guanghui Yue

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Enhancing Incomplete Multi-modal Brain Tumor Segmentation with Intra-modal Asymmetry and Inter-modal Dependency

no code implementations14 Jun 2024 Weide Liu, Jingwen Hou, Xiaoyang Zhong, Huijing Zhan, Jun Cheng, Yuming Fang, Guanghui Yue

Secondly, we propose a post-training stage that enables the model to reconstruct missing modalities in the prediction results when only partial modalities are available.

Anatomy Brain Tumor Segmentation +3

Adaptive Mixed-Scale Feature Fusion Network for Blind AI-Generated Image Quality Assessment

no code implementations23 Apr 2024 Tianwei Zhou, Songbai Tan, Wei Zhou, Yu Luo, Yuan-Gen Wang, Guanghui Yue

Specifically, inspired by the characteristics of the human visual system and motivated by the observation that "visual quality" and "authenticity" are characterized by both local and global aspects, AMFF-Net scales the image up and down and takes the scaled images and original-sized image as the inputs to obtain multi-scale features.

Blind Image Quality Assessment

Isotropic Gaussian Splatting for Real-Time Radiance Field Rendering

no code implementations21 Mar 2024 Yuanhao Gong, Lantao Yu, Guanghui Yue

The 3D Gaussian splatting method has drawn a lot of attention, thanks to its high performance in training and high quality of the rendered image.

3D Reconstruction

GCFAgg: Global and Cross-view Feature Aggregation for Multi-view Clustering

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Weiqing Yan, Yuanyang Zhang, Chenlei Lv, Chang Tang, Guanghui Yue, Liang Liao, Weisi Lin

However, most existing deep clustering methods learn consensus representation or view-specific representations from multiple views via view-wise aggregation way, where they ignore structure relationship of all samples.

Clustering Contrastive Learning +1

Reduced-Reference Quality Assessment of Point Clouds via Content-Oriented Saliency Projection

1 code implementation18 Jan 2023 Wei Zhou, Guanghui Yue, Ruizeng Zhang, Yipeng Qin, Hantao Liu

Many dense 3D point clouds have been exploited to represent visual objects instead of traditional images or videos.

PSNet: Parallel Symmetric Network for Video Salient Object Detection

no code implementations12 Oct 2022 Runmin Cong, Weiyu Song, Jianjun Lei, Guanghui Yue, Yao Zhao, Sam Kwong

Finally, we use the Importance Perception Fusion (IPF) module to fuse the features from two parallel branches according to their different importance in different scenarios.

Object object-detection +4

Consensus Graph Learning for Multi-view Clustering

1 code implementation IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 2021 Zhenglai Li, Chang Tang, Xinwang Liu, Xiao Zheng, Guanghui Yue, Wei zhang

Furthermore, we unify the spectral embedding and low rank tensor learning into a unified optimization framework to determine the spectral embedding matrices and tensor representation jointly.

Clustering Graph Learning

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