Search Results for author: Guangyu Gao

Found 11 papers, 5 papers with code

Bridge the Points: Graph-based Few-shot Segment Anything Semantically

1 code implementation9 Oct 2024 Anqi Zhang, Guangyu Gao, Jianbo Jiao, Chi Harold Liu, Yunchao Wei

Another subsequent Point-Mask Clustering module aligns the granularity of masks and selected points as a directed graph, based on mask coverage over points.

Few-Shot Semantic Segmentation Semantic Segmentation

Background Adaptation with Residual Modeling for Exemplar-Free Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation

no code implementations13 Jul 2024 Anqi Zhang, Guangyu Gao

For this special challenge, we designed a novel background adaptation mechanism, which explicitly models the background residual rather than the background itself in each step, and aggregates these residuals to represent the evolving background.

Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation Incremental Learning +2

CoinSeg: Contrast Inter- and Intra- Class Representations for Incremental Segmentation

1 code implementation ICCV 2023 Zekang Zhang, Guangyu Gao, Jianbo Jiao, Chi Harold Liu, Yunchao Wei

However, most state-of-the-art methods use the freeze strategy for stability, which compromises the model's plasticity. In contrast, releasing parameter training for plasticity could lead to the best performance for all categories, but this requires discriminative feature representation. Therefore, we prioritize the model's plasticity and propose the Contrast inter- and intra-class representations for Incremental Segmentation (CoinSeg), which pursues discriminative representations for flexible parameter tuning.

Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation Diversity

Mining Unseen Classes via Regional Objectness: A Simple Baseline for Incremental Segmentation

1 code implementation13 Nov 2022 Zekang Zhang, Guangyu Gao, Zhiyuan Fang, Jianbo Jiao, Yunchao Wei

Our MicroSeg is based on the assumption that background regions with strong objectness possibly belong to those concepts in the historical or future stages.

Class-Incremental Semantic Segmentation Continual Learning +1

DTG-Net: Differentiated Teachers Guided Self-Supervised Video Action Recognition

no code implementations13 Jun 2020 Ziming Liu, Guangyu Gao, A. K. Qin, Jinyang Li

Finally, the DTG-Net is evaluated in two ways: (i) the self-supervised DTG-Net to pre-train the supervised action recognition models with only unlabeled videos; (ii) the supervised DTG-Net to be jointly trained with the supervised action networks in an end-to-end way.

Action Recognition Image Classification +2

HRDNet: High-resolution Detection Network for Small Objects

no code implementations13 Jun 2020 Ziming Liu, Guangyu Gao, Lin Sun, Zhiyuan Fang

By extracting various features from high to low resolutions, the MD-IPN is able to improve the performance of small object detection as well as maintaining the performance of middle and large objects.

Object object-detection +2

Visual-Textual Association with Hardest and Semi-Hard Negative Pairs Mining for Person Search

no code implementations6 Dec 2019 Jing Ge, Guangyu Gao, Zhen Liu

In order to evaluate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach, we conduct extensive experiments on typical person search datasdet: CUHK-PEDES, in which our approach achieves the top1 score of 55. 32% as a new state-of-the-art.

Person Search

IPG-Net: Image Pyramid Guidance Network for Small Object Detection

no code implementations2 Dec 2019 Ziming Liu, Guangyu Gao, Lin Sun, Li Fang

In this paper, except for top-down combining of information for shallow layers, we propose a novel network called Image Pyramid Guidance Network (IPG-Net) to make sure both the spatial information and semantic information are abundant for each layer.

object-detection Small Object Detection

Novel Evaluation Metrics for Seam Carving based Image Retargeting

no code implementations22 Sep 2017 Tam V. Nguyen, Guangyu Gao

Image retargeting effectively resizes images by preserving the recognizability of important image regions.

Image Retargeting

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