Search Results for author: Guanqun Liu

Found 3 papers, 0 papers with code

MSC-Bench: Benchmarking and Analyzing Multi-Sensor Corruption for Driving Perception

no code implementations2 Jan 2025 Xiaoshuai Hao, Guanqun Liu, YuTing Zhao, Yuheng Ji, Mengchuan Wei, Haimei Zhao, Lingdong Kong, Rong Yin, Yu Liu

Multi-sensor fusion models play a crucial role in autonomous driving perception, particularly in tasks like 3D object detection and HD map construction.

3D Object Detection Autonomous Driving +3

FF-Former: Swin Fourier Transformer for Nighttime Flare Removal

no code implementations CVPR Workshop 2023 Dafeng Zhang, Jia Ouyang, Guanqun Liu, Xiaobing Wang, Xiangyu Kong, Zhezhu Jin

And the flare can cause the dark regions to become brighter and result in a loss of contrast and alteration of the frequency characteristics of the image.

Flare Removal

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