Search Results for author: Guanqun Wang

Found 5 papers, 2 papers with code

MR-MLLM: Mutual Reinforcement of Multimodal Comprehension and Vision Perception

no code implementations22 Jun 2024 Guanqun Wang, Xinyu Wei, Jiaming Liu, Ray Zhang, Yichi Zhang, Kevin Zhang, Maurice Chong, Shanghang Zhang

In recent years, multimodal large language models (MLLMs) have shown remarkable capabilities in tasks like visual question answering and common sense reasoning, while visual perception models have made significant strides in perception tasks, such as detection and segmentation.

Common Sense Reasoning Language Modelling +6

Cloud-Device Collaborative Learning for Multimodal Large Language Models

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Guanqun Wang, Jiaming Liu, Chenxuan Li, Junpeng Ma, Yuan Zhang, Xinyu Wei, Kevin Zhang, Maurice Chong, Ray Zhang, Yijiang Liu, Shanghang Zhang

However, the deployment of these large-scale MLLMs on client devices is hindered by their extensive model parameters, leading to a notable decline in generalization capabilities when these models are compressed for device deployment.

Device-Cloud Collaboration Knowledge Distillation +1

Unsupervised Spike Depth Estimation via Cross-modality Cross-domain Knowledge Transfer

1 code implementation26 Aug 2022 Jiaming Liu, Qizhe Zhang, Xiaoqi Li, Jianing Li, Guanqun Wang, Ming Lu, Tiejun Huang, Shanghang Zhang

Neuromorphic spike data, an upcoming modality with high temporal resolution, has shown promising potential in autonomous driving by mitigating the challenges posed by high-velocity motion blur.

Autonomous Driving Depth Estimation +2

Consecutive Pretraining: A Knowledge Transfer Learning Strategy with Relevant Unlabeled Data for Remote Sensing Domain

1 code implementation8 Jul 2022 Tong Zhang, Peng Gao, Hao Dong, Yin Zhuang, Guanqun Wang, Wei zhang, He Chen

Currently, under supervised learning, a model pretrained by a large-scale nature scene dataset and then fine-tuned on a few specific task labeling data is the paradigm that has dominated the knowledge transfer learning.

Land Cover Classification object-detection +3

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