Search Results for author: Guillaume Couairon

Found 17 papers, 12 papers with code

ArchesWeather & ArchesWeatherGen: a deterministic and generative model for efficient ML weather forecasting

1 code implementation17 Dec 2024 Guillaume Couairon, Renu Singh, Anastase Charantonis, Christian Lessig, Claire Monteleoni

We then design a probabilistic weather model called \textbf{ArchesWeatherGen} based on flow matching, a modern variant of diffusion models, that is trained to project ArchesWeather's predictions to the distribution of ERA5 weather states.

Weather Forecasting

FreeSeg-Diff: Training-Free Open-Vocabulary Segmentation with Diffusion Models

no code implementations29 Mar 2024 Barbara Toniella Corradini, Mustafa Shukor, Paul Couairon, Guillaume Couairon, Franco Scarselli, Matthieu Cord

The pipeline is as follows: the image is passed to both a captioner model (i. e. BLIP) and a diffusion model (i. e., Stable Diffusion Model) to generate a text description and visual representation, respectively.

Image Generation Image Segmentation +3

Functional Invariants to Watermark Large Transformers

no code implementations17 Oct 2023 Pierre Fernandez, Guillaume Couairon, Teddy Furon, Matthijs Douze

The rapid growth of transformer-based models increases the concerns about their integrity and ownership insurance.


Gradpaint: Gradient-Guided Inpainting with Diffusion Models

no code implementations18 Sep 2023 Asya Grechka, Guillaume Couairon, Matthieu Cord

For the specific task of image inpainting, the current guiding mechanism relies on copying-and-pasting the known regions from the input image at each denoising step.

Denoising Image Inpainting +1

Zero-shot spatial layout conditioning for text-to-image diffusion models

no code implementations ICCV 2023 Guillaume Couairon, Marlène Careil, Matthieu Cord, Stéphane Lathuilière, Jakob Verbeek

Large-scale text-to-image diffusion models have significantly improved the state of the art in generative image modelling and allow for an intuitive and powerful user interface to drive the image generation process.

Image Generation Segmentation +1

The Stable Signature: Rooting Watermarks in Latent Diffusion Models

2 code implementations ICCV 2023 Pierre Fernandez, Guillaume Couairon, Hervé Jégou, Matthijs Douze, Teddy Furon

For instance, it detects the origin of an image generated from a text prompt, then cropped to keep $10\%$ of the content, with $90$+$\%$ accuracy at a false positive rate below 10$^{-6}$.


DiffEdit: Diffusion-based semantic image editing with mask guidance

4 code implementations20 Oct 2022 Guillaume Couairon, Jakob Verbeek, Holger Schwenk, Matthieu Cord

Semantic image editing is an extension of image generation, with the additional constraint that the generated image should be as similar as possible to a given input image.

Image Generation

Transformer Decoders with MultiModal Regularization for Cross-Modal Food Retrieval

1 code implementation20 Apr 2022 Mustafa Shukor, Guillaume Couairon, Asya Grechka, Matthieu Cord

We propose a new retrieval framework, T-Food (Transformer Decoders with MultiModal Regularization for Cross-Modal Food Retrieval) that exploits the interaction between modalities in a novel regularization scheme, while using only unimodal encoders at test time for efficient retrieval.

Cross-Modal Retrieval Retrieval +1

FlexIT: Towards Flexible Semantic Image Translation

1 code implementation CVPR 2022 Guillaume Couairon, Asya Grechka, Jakob Verbeek, Holger Schwenk, Matthieu Cord

Via the latent space of an auto-encoder, we iteratively transform the input image toward the target point, ensuring coherence and quality with a variety of novel regularization terms.

Image Generation Translation

FLAVA: A Foundational Language And Vision Alignment Model

4 code implementations CVPR 2022 Amanpreet Singh, Ronghang Hu, Vedanuj Goswami, Guillaume Couairon, Wojciech Galuba, Marcus Rohrbach, Douwe Kiela

State-of-the-art vision and vision-and-language models rely on large-scale visio-linguistic pretraining for obtaining good performance on a variety of downstream tasks.

Image Retrieval Image-to-Text Retrieval +4

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