Search Results for author: Gulnara Kabaeva

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

HJ-Ky-0.1: an Evaluation Dataset for Kyrgyz Word Embeddings

2 code implementations16 Nov 2024 Anton Alekseev, Gulnara Kabaeva

One of the key tasks in modern applied computational linguistics is constructing word vector representations (word embeddings), which are widely used to address natural language processing tasks such as sentiment analysis, information extraction, and more.

Sentiment Analysis Word Embeddings

Benchmarking Multilabel Topic Classification in the Kyrgyz Language

1 code implementation30 Aug 2023 Anton Alekseev, Sergey I. Nikolenko, Gulnara Kabaeva

Kyrgyz is a very underrepresented language in terms of modern natural language processing resources.

Benchmarking Classification +2

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