Search Results for author: Gunnar Stevens

Found 5 papers, 0 papers with code

What Matters in Explanations: Towards Explainable Fake Review Detection Focusing on Transformers

no code implementations24 Jul 2024 Md Shajalal, Md Atabuzzaman, Alexander Boden, Gunnar Stevens, Delong Du

Furthermore, the empirical user evaluation of the generated explanations concludes which important information needs to be considered in generating explanations in the context of fake review identification.

Unveiling Black-boxes: Explainable Deep Learning Models for Patent Classification

no code implementations31 Oct 2023 Md Shajalal, Sebastian Denef, Md. Rezaul Karim, Alexander Boden, Gunnar Stevens

Considering the relevance score, we then generate explanations by visualizing relevant words for the predicted patent class.

Decision Making Deep Learning

Time Series Anomaly Detection in Smart Homes: A Deep Learning Approach

no code implementations28 Feb 2023 Somayeh Zamani, Hamed Talebi, Gunnar Stevens

In this paper, we analyze the patterns pertaining to the power consumption of dishwashers used in two houses of the REFIT dataset.

Anomaly Detection Scheduling +2

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