Search Results for author: Guodong Shi

Found 20 papers, 3 papers with code

Spatio-Temporal Communication Compression for Distributed Prime-Dual Optimization

no code implementations14 Aug 2024 Zihao Ren, Lei Wang, Xinlei Yi, Xi Wang, Deming Yuan, Tao Yang, Zhengguang Wu, Guodong Shi

In this paper, we demonstrate that effective information compression may occur over time or space during sequences of node communications in distributed algorithms, leading to the concept of spatio-temporal compressors.

Distributed Optimization

Spatio-Temporal Communication Compression in Distributed Prime-Dual Flows

no code implementations5 Aug 2024 Zihao Ren, Lei Wang, Deming Yuan, Hongye Su, Guodong Shi

The central aim of multi-agent optimization is for a network of agents to collaboratively solve a system-level optimization problem with local objective functions and node-to-node communication by distributed algorithms.

Distributed Optimization

Competitive Equilibrium in Microgrids With Dynamic Loads

no code implementations5 Feb 2024 Zeinab Salehi, Yijun Chen, Ian R. Petersen, Elizabeth L. Ratnam, Guodong Shi

We establish a local energy market by defining a competitive equilibrium which balances energy and satisfies voltage constraints within the microgrid for all time.

Learning Stable Koopman Embeddings for Identification and Control

no code implementations16 Jan 2024 Fletcher Fan, Bowen Yi, David Rye, Guodong Shi, Ian R. Manchester

Whereas most existing works on Koopman learning do not take into account the stability or stabilizability of the model -- two fundamental pieces of prior knowledge about a given system to be identified -- in this paper, we propose new classes of Koopman models that have built-in guarantees of these properties.

Imitation Learning

Distributed Solvers for Network Linear Equations with Scalarized Compression

no code implementations12 Jan 2024 Lei Wang, Zihao Ren, Deming Yuan, Guodong Shi

We then employ such a compressed consensus flow as a fundamental consensus subroutine to develop distributed continuous-time and discrete-time solvers for network linear equations, and prove their linear convergence properties under scalar node communications.

Distributed Computing

PEBO-SLAM: Observer design for visual inertial SLAM with convergence guarantees

no code implementations22 Jun 2023 Bowen Yi, Chi Jin, Lei Wang, Guodong Shi, Viorela Ila, Ian R. Manchester

This paper introduces a new linear parameterization to the problem of visual inertial simultaneous localization and mapping (VI-SLAM) -- without any approximation -- for the case only using information from a single monocular camera and an inertial measurement unit.

Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

A Matlab and CasADi-based Implementation of RICE Dynamic Game

1 code implementation14 Nov 2022 Yijun Chen, Guodong Shi

The most widely used integrated assessment model for studying the economics of climate change is the dynamic/regional integrated model of climate and economy (DICE/RICE).

Competitive Equilibrium for Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems: Social Shaping and Price Trajectories

no code implementations20 Oct 2022 Zeinab Salehi, Yijun Chen, Elizabeth L. Ratnam, Ian R. Petersen, Guodong Shi

We shape individual preferences through a set of utility functions to guarantee the resource price at a competitive equilibrium remains socially acceptable, i. e., the price is upper-bounded by an affordability threshold.

CPnP: Consistent Pose Estimator for Perspective-n-Point Problem with Bias Elimination

1 code implementation13 Sep 2022 Guangyang Zeng, ShiYu Chen, Biqiang Mu, Guodong Shi, Junfeng Wu

The Perspective-n-Point (PnP) problem has been widely studied in both computer vision and photogrammetry societies.

Social Shaping of Dynamic Multi-Agent Systems over a Finite Horizon

no code implementations10 Sep 2022 Zeinab Salehi, Yijun Chen, Ian R. Petersen, Elizabeth L. Ratnam, Guodong Shi

By shaping these preferences and proposing a set of utility functions, we can guarantee that the optimal resource price at the competitive equilibrium always remains socially acceptable, i. e., it never violates a given threshold that indicates affordability.

Multi-agent consensus over time-invariant and time-varying signed digraphs via eventual positivity

no code implementations8 Mar 2022 Angela Fontan, Lingfei Wang, Yiguang Hong, Guodong Shi, Claudio Altafini

For the time-varying case, convergence to consensus can be guaranteed by the existence of a common Lyapunov function for all the signed Laplacians.


No-regret Online Learning over Riemannian Manifolds

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Xi Wang, Zhipeng Tu, Yiguang Hong, Yingyi Wu, Guodong Shi

We consider online optimization over Riemannian manifolds, where a learner attempts to minimize a sequence of time-varying loss functions defined on Riemannian manifolds.

Learning Stable Koopman Embeddings

1 code implementation13 Oct 2021 Fletcher Fan, Bowen Yi, David Rye, Guodong Shi, Ian R. Manchester

In this paper, we present a new data-driven method for learning stable models of nonlinear systems.

Network Learning in Quadratic Games from Fictitious Plays

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Kemi Ding, Yijun Chen, Lei Wang, Xiaoqiang Ren, Guodong Shi

Next, in view of the inherent stability and sparsity constraints for the network interaction structure, we propose a stable and sparse system identification framework for learning the interaction graph from full player action observations.

Distributed Zeroth-Order Optimization: Convergence Rates That Match Centralized Counterpart

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Deming Yuan, Lei Wang, Alexandre Proutiere, Guodong Shi

Zeroth-order optimization has become increasingly important in complex optimization and machine learning when cost functions are impossible to be described in closed analytical forms.

Differential Privacy with Manifold Data Dependency

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Lei Wang, Deming Yuan, Guodong Shi

In this paper, we study dataset processing mechanisms generated by linear queries in the presence of manifold data dependency.

Social Shaping for Transactive Energy Systems

no code implementations27 Sep 2021 Zeinab Salehi, Yijun Chen, Ian R. Petersen, Elizabeth L. Ratnam, Guodong Shi

This paper considers the problem of shaping agent utility functions in a transactive energy system to ensure the optimal energy price at a competitive equilibrium is always socially acceptable, that is, below a prescribed threshold.

Online Convex Optimization Over Erdos-Renyi Random Networks

no code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Jinlong Lei, Peng Yi, Yiguang Hong, Jie Chen, Guodong Shi

The regret bounds scaling with respect to $T$ match those obtained by state-of-the-art algorithms and fundamental limits in the corresponding centralized online optimization problems, e. g., $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T}) $ and $\mathcal{O}(\ln(T)) $ regrets are established for convex and strongly convex losses with full gradient feedback and two-points information, respectively.

Distributed Online Optimization with Long-Term Constraints

no code implementations20 Dec 2019 Deming Yuan, Alexandre Proutiere, Guodong Shi

When the loss functions are strongly convex, we establish improved regret and constraint violation upper bounds in $\mathcal{O}(\log(T))$ and $\mathcal{O}(\sqrt{T\log(T)})$.

Distributed Online Linear Regression

no code implementations13 Feb 2019 Deming Yuan, Alexandre Proutiere, Guodong Shi

We propose simple and natural distributed regression algorithms, involving, at each node and in each round, a local gradient descent step and a communication and averaging step where nodes aim at aligning their predictors to those of their neighbors.


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