Search Results for author: Guoqing Chao

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering with High-Confidence Guiding

1 code implementation14 Dec 2023 Guoqing Chao, Yi Jiang, Dianhui Chu

In this work, we proposed a novel Incomplete Contrastive Multi-View Clustering method with high-confidence guiding (ICMVC).

Clustering Contrastive Learning +3

Disentangling Multi-view Representations Beyond Inductive Bias

1 code implementation3 Aug 2023 Guanzhou Ke, Yang Yu, Guoqing Chao, Xiaoli Wang, Chenyang Xu, Shengfeng He

In this paper, we propose a novel multi-view representation disentangling method that aims to go beyond inductive biases, ensuring both interpretability and generalizability of the resulting representations.

Clustering Inductive Bias +2

A Clustering-guided Contrastive Fusion for Multi-view Representation Learning

1 code implementation28 Dec 2022 Guanzhou Ke, Guoqing Chao, Xiaoli Wang, Chenyang Xu, Yongqi Zhu, Yang Yu

To this end, we utilize a deep fusion network to fuse view-specific representations into the view-common representation, extracting high-level semantics for obtaining robust representation.


Supervised Nonnegative Matrix Factorization to Predict ICU Mortality Risk

no code implementations27 Sep 2018 Guoqing Chao, Chengsheng Mao, Fei Wang, Yuan Zhao, Yuan Luo

We used the simulation data to verify the effectiveness of this method, and then we applied it to ICU mortality risk prediction and demonstrated its superiority over other conventional supervised NMF methods.

ICU Mortality Time Series +1

A Survey on Multi-View Clustering

no code implementations18 Dec 2017 Guoqing Chao, Shiliang Sun, Jinbo Bi

With advances in information acquisition technologies, multi-view data become ubiquitous.


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