Search Results for author: Guoqing Zhou

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

BioNeMo Framework: a modular, high-performance library for AI model development in drug discovery

no code implementations15 Nov 2024 Peter St. John, Dejun Lin, Polina Binder, Malcolm Greaves, Vega Shah, John St. John, Adrian Lange, Patrick Hsu, Rajesh Illango, Arvind Ramanathan, Anima Anandkumar, David H Brookes, Akosua Busia, Abhishaike Mahajan, Stephen Malina, Neha Prasad, Sam Sinai, Lindsay Edwards, Thomas Gaudelet, Cristian Regep, Martin Steinegger, Burkhard Rost, Alexander Brace, Kyle Hippe, Luca Naef, Keisuke Kamata, George Armstrong, Kevin Boyd, Zhonglin Cao, Han-Yi Chou, Simon Chu, Allan dos Santos Costa, Sajad Darabi, Eric Dawson, Kieran Didi, Cong Fu, Mario Geiger, Michelle Gill, Darren Hsu, Gagan Kaushik, Maria Korshunova, Steven Kothen-Hill, Youhan Lee, Meng Liu, Micha Livne, Zachary McClure, Jonathan Mitchell, Alireza Moradzadeh, Ohad Mosafi, Youssef Nashed, Yuxing Peng, Sara Rabhi, Farhad Ramezanghorbani, Danny Reidenbach, Camir Ricketts, Brian Roland, Kushal Shah, Tyler Shimko, Hassan Sirelkhatim, Savitha Srinivasan, Abraham C Stern, Dorota Toczydlowska, Srimukh Prasad Veccham, Niccolò Alberto Elia Venanzi, Anton Vorontsov, Jared Wilber, Isabel Wilkinson, Wei Jing Wong, Eva Xue, Cory Ye, Xin Yu, Yang Zhang, Guoqing Zhou, Becca Zandstein, Christian Dallago, Bruno Trentini, Emine Kucukbenli, Saee Paliwal, Timur Rvachov, Eddie Calleja, Johnny Israeli, Harry Clifford, Risto Haukioja, Nicholas Haemel, Kyle Tretina, Neha Tadimeti, Anthony B Costa

We introduce the BioNeMo Framework to facilitate the training of computational biology and chemistry AI models across hundreds of GPUs.

Drug Discovery

Epipolar Focus Spectrum: A Novel Light Field Representation and Application in Dense-view Reconstruction

no code implementations1 Apr 2022 Yaning Li, Xue Wang, Hao Zhu, Guoqing Zhou, Qing Wang

Existing light field representations, such as epipolar plane image (EPI) and sub-aperture images, do not consider the structural characteristics across the views, so they usually require additional disparity and spatial structure cues for follow-up tasks.

Fast and Unsupervised Action Boundary Detection for Action Segmentation

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Zexing Du, Xue Wang, Guoqing Zhou, Qing Wang

To deal with the great number of untrimmed videos produced every day, we propose an efficient unsupervised action segmentation method by detecting boundaries, named action boundary detection (ABD).

Boundary Detection Change Point Detection +1

Deep Anti-aliasing of Whole Focal Stack Using Slice Spectrum

no code implementations23 Jan 2021 Yaning Li, Xue Wang, Hao Zhu, Guoqing Zhou, Qing Wang

Based on these two observations, we propose a learning-based FSS reconstruction approach for one-time aliasing removing over the whole focal stack.

Depth Estimation

Aliasing Detection and Reduction in Plenoptic Imaging

no code implementations CVPR 2014 Zhaolin Xiao, Qing Wang, Guoqing Zhou, Jingyi Yu

When using plenoptic camera for digital refocusing, angular undersampling can cause severe (angular) aliasing artifacts.


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