Search Results for author: Guoyu Lu

Found 10 papers, 1 papers with code

Dual-Task Vision Transformer for Rapid and Accurate Intracerebral Hemorrhage CT Image Classification

1 code implementation10 May 2024 Jialiang Fan, Xinhui Fan, Chengyan Song, Xiaofan Wang, Bingdong Feng, Lucan Li, Guoyu Lu

In addition, we propose a neural network structure, dual-task vision transformer (DTViT), for the automated classification and diagnosis of ICH images.

Classification Image Classification

LLMs for Coding and Robotics Education

no code implementations9 Feb 2024 Peng Shu, Huaqin Zhao, Hanqi Jiang, Yiwei Li, Shaochen Xu, Yi Pan, Zihao Wu, Zhengliang Liu, Guoyu Lu, Le Guan, Gong Chen, Xianqiao Wang Tianming Liu

To teach young children how to code and compete in robot challenges, large language models are being utilized for robot code explanation, generation, and modification.

Code Generation Explanation Generation

Towards Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) in the Internet of Things (IoT): Opportunities and Challenges

no code implementations14 Sep 2023 Fei Dou, Jin Ye, Geng Yuan, Qin Lu, Wei Niu, Haijian Sun, Le Guan, Guoyu Lu, Gengchen Mai, Ninghao Liu, Jin Lu, Zhengliang Liu, Zihao Wu, Chenjiao Tan, Shaochen Xu, Xianqiao Wang, Guoming Li, Lilong Chai, Sheng Li, Jin Sun, Hongyue Sun, Yunli Shao, Changying Li, Tianming Liu, WenZhan Song

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), possessing the capacity to comprehend, learn, and execute tasks with human cognitive abilities, engenders significant anticipation and intrigue across scientific, commercial, and societal arenas.

Decision Making

SAM for Poultry Science

no code implementations17 May 2023 Xiao Yang, Haixing Dai, Zihao Wu, Ramesh Bist, Sachin Subedi, Jin Sun, Guoyu Lu, Changying Li, Tianming Liu, Lilong Chai

This study aims to assess the zero-shot segmentation performance of SAM on representative chicken segmentation tasks, including part-based segmentation and the use of infrared thermal images, and to explore chicken-tracking tasks by using SAM as a segmentation tool.

Object Tracking Segmentation +2

AGI: Artificial General Intelligence for Education

no code implementations24 Apr 2023 Ehsan Latif, Gengchen Mai, Matthew Nyaaba, Xuansheng Wu, Ninghao Liu, Guoyu Lu, Sheng Li, Tianming Liu, Xiaoming Zhai

AGI, driven by the recent large pre-trained models, represents a significant leap in the capability of machines to perform tasks that require human-level intelligence, such as reasoning, problem-solving, decision-making, and even understanding human emotions and social interactions.

Decision Making Fairness

AGI for Agriculture

no code implementations12 Apr 2023 Guoyu Lu, Sheng Li, Gengchen Mai, Jin Sun, Dajiang Zhu, Lilong Chai, Haijian Sun, Xianqiao Wang, Haixing Dai, Ninghao Liu, Rui Xu, Daniel Petti, Tianming Liu, Changying Li

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is poised to revolutionize a variety of sectors, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and education.

Decision Making Knowledge Graphs +1

Fast and Accurate: Video Enhancement using Sparse Depth

no code implementations15 Mar 2021 Yu Feng, Patrick Hansen, Paul N. Whatmough, Guoyu Lu, Yuhao Zhu

This paper presents a general framework to build fast and accurate algorithms for video enhancement tasks such as super-resolution, deblurring, and denoising.

Deblurring Denoising +4

Unsupervised Simultaneous Depth-from-defocus and Depth-from-focus

no code implementations1 Jan 2021 Yawen Lu, Guoyu Lu

The proposed network is able to learn optimal depth mapping from the information contained in the blurring of a single image, generate a simulated image focal stack and all-in-focus image, and train a depth estimator from an image focal stack.

Depth Estimation

Localize Me Anywhere, Anytime: A Multi-Task Point-Retrieval Approach

no code implementations ICCV 2015 Guoyu Lu, Yan Yan, Li Ren, Jingkuan Song, Nicu Sebe, Chandra Kambhamettu

The main contribution of our paper is that we use a 3D model reconstructed by a short video as the query to realize 3D-to-3D localization under a multi-task point retrieval framework.

Image-Based Localization Multi-Task Learning +1

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