Search Results for author: Guozhen Li

Found 2 papers, 0 papers with code

Improving Bird's Eye View Semantic Segmentation by Task Decomposition

no code implementations CVPR 2024 Tianhao Zhao, Yongcan Chen, Yu Wu, Tianyang Liu, Bo Du, Peilun Xiao, Shi Qiu, Hongda Yang, Guozhen Li, Yi Yang, Yutian Lin

In the first stage, we train a BEV autoencoder to reconstruct the BEV segmentation maps given corrupted noisy latent representation, which urges the decoder to learn fundamental knowledge of typical BEV patterns.

Autonomous Driving Bird's-Eye View Semantic Segmentation +2

WB-DETR: Transformer-Based Detector Without Backbone

no code implementations ICCV 2021 Fanfan Liu, Haoran Wei, Wenzhe Zhao, Guozhen Li, Jingquan Peng, Zihao Li

In this paper, we propose WB-DETR (DETR-based detector Without Backbone) to prove that the reliance on CNN features extraction for a transformer-based detector is not necessary.

Decoder object-detection +1

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