Search Results for author: Guozheng Xu

Found 2 papers, 2 papers with code

A boundary-aware point clustering approach in Euclidean and embedding spaces for roof plane segmentation

1 code implementation7 Sep 2023 Li Li, Qingqing Li, Guozheng Xu, Pengwei Zhou, Jingmin Tu, Jie Li, Mingming Li, Jian Yao

To solve this problem, we propose a boundary-aware point clustering approach in Euclidean and embedding spaces constructed by a multi-task deep network for roof plane segmentation.


Reinventing 2D Convolutions for 3D Images

2 code implementations24 Nov 2019 Jiancheng Yang, Xiaoyang Huang, Yi He, Jingwei Xu, Canqian Yang, Guozheng Xu, Bingbing Ni

Theoretically, ANY 2D CNN (ResNet, DenseNet, or DeepLab) is able to be converted into a 3D ACS CNN, with pretrained weight of a same parameter size.

Representation Learning

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