no code implementations • 5 Jan 2025 • Amitava Das, Suranjana Trivedy, Danush Khanna, Rajarshi Roy, Gurpreet Singh, Basab Ghosh, Yaswanth Narsupalli, Vinija Jain, Vasu Sharma, Aishwarya Naresh Reganti, Aman Chadha
The rapid rise of large language models (LLMs) has unlocked many applications but also underscores the challenge of aligning them with diverse values and preferences.
2 code implementations • 22 Dec 2024 • Elham Peimani, Gurpreet Singh, Nisarg Mahyavanshi, Aman Arora, Awais Shaikh
Retrieving semantically relevant documents in niche domains poses significant challenges for traditional TF-IDF-based systems, often resulting in low similarity scores and suboptimal retrieval performance.
no code implementations • 30 Nov 2023 • Ari Goodman, Gurpreet Singh, Ryan O'Shea, Peter Teague, James Hing
PETA (Pose Estimation and Tracking for ASIST) is a research effort to create a helicopter tracking system prototype without hardware installation requirements for ASIST system operators.
no code implementations • 27 Nov 2023 • Ari Goodman, Gurpreet Singh, James Hing, Ryan O'Shea
PATRIOT (Panoramic Asset Tracking of Real-Time Information for the Ouija Tabletop) is a research effort and proposed solution to performing deck tracking with passive sensing and without the need for GPS sensors.
no code implementations • 28 Oct 2021 • Soumyajit Gupta, Gurpreet Singh, Raghu Bollapragada, Matthew Lease
Multi-objective optimization (MOO) problems require balancing competing objectives, often under constraints.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Soumyajit Gupta, Gurpreet Singh, Clint N. Dawson
For Big Data applications, computing a rank-$r$ Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) is restrictive due to the main memory requirements.
no code implementations • 29 Sep 2021 • Soumyajit Gupta, Gurpreet Singh, Matthew Lease
The Stage-1 neural network efficiently extracts the \textit{weak} Pareto front, using Fritz-John Conditions (FJC) as the discriminator, with no assumptions of convexity on the objectives or constraints.
no code implementations • 28 Apr 2021 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta
However, a number of applications such as community detection, clustering, or bottleneck identification in large scale graph data-sets rely upon identifying the lowest singular values and the singular corresponding vectors.
no code implementations • 10 Feb 2021 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Clint Dawson
We show for the first time that a two-layer autoencoder (SCA), with $2FK$ parameters ($F$ features, $K$ endmembers), achieves error metrics that are scales apart ($10^{-5})$ from previously reported values $(10^{-2})$.
no code implementations • 27 Jan 2021 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Matthew Lease, Clint Dawson
The first stage (neural network) efficiently extracts a weak Pareto front, using Fritz-John conditions as the discriminator, with no assumptions of convexity on the objectives or constraints.
no code implementations • 27 Oct 2020 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Matthew Lease, Clint Dawson
Although these methods are claimed to be applicable to scientific computations due to associated tail-energy error bounds, the approximation errors in the singular vectors and values are high when the aforementioned assumption does not hold.
no code implementations • 13 Sep 2020 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Matthew Lease
However, such an approach is often restricted to a strict class of functions, deviation from which results in sub-optimal solution to the original problem.
no code implementations • 22 Aug 2020 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Clint N. Dawson
We demonstrate through carefully chosen numerical experiments that the basis collapse issue leads to the design of massively redundant networks.
no code implementations • 5 Mar 2020 • Gurpreet Singh, Soumyajit Gupta, Matt Lease, Clint N. Dawson
Partial Differential Equations are infinite dimensional encoded representations of physical processes.
no code implementations • 9 May 2019 • Marius Ghergu, Paschalis Karageorgis, Gurpreet Singh
We investigate the existence and nonexistence of positive solutions for the quasilinear elliptic inequality $L_\mathcal{A} u= -{\rm div}[\mathcal{A}(x, u, \nabla u)]\geq (I_\alpha\ast u^p)u^q$ in $\Omega$, where $\Omega\subset \mathbb{R}^N, N\geq 1,$ is an open set.
Analysis of PDEs
1 code implementation • 3 Jul 2015 • Daniel Abercrombie, Nural Akchurin, Ece Akilli, Juan Alcaraz Maestre, Brandon Allen, Barbara Alvarez Gonzalez, Jeremy Andrea, Alexandre Arbey, Georges Azuelos, Patrizia Azzi, Mihailo Backović, Yang Bai, Swagato Banerjee, James Beacham, Alexander Belyaev, Antonio Boveia, Amelia Jean Brennan, Oliver Buchmueller, Matthew R. Buckley, Giorgio Busoni, Michael Buttignol, Giacomo Cacciapaglia, Regina Caputo, Linda Carpenter, Nuno Filipe Castro, Guillelmo Gomez Ceballos, Yangyang Cheng, John Paul Chou, Arely Cortes Gonzalez, Chris Cowden, Francesco D'Eramo, Annapaola De Cosa, Michele De Gruttola, Albert De Roeck, Andrea De Simone, Aldo Deandrea, Zeynep Demiragli, Anthony DiFranzo, Caterina Doglioni, Tristan du Pree, Robin Erbacher, Johannes Erdmann, Cora Fischer, Henning Flaecher, Patrick J. Fox, Benjamin Fuks, Marie-Helene Genest, Bhawna Gomber, Andreas Goudelis, Johanna Gramling, John Gunion, Kristian Hahn, Ulrich Haisch, Roni Harnik, Philip C. Harris, Kerstin Hoepfner, Siew Yan Hoh, Dylan George Hsu, Shih-Chieh Hsu, Yutaro Iiyama, Valerio Ippolito, Thomas Jacques, Xiangyang Ju, Felix Kahlhoefer, Alexis Kalogeropoulos, Laser Seymour Kaplan, Lashkar Kashif, Valentin V. Khoze, Raman Khurana, Khristian Kotov, Dmytro Kovalskyi, Suchita Kulkarni, Shuichi Kunori, Viktor Kutzner, Hyun Min Lee, Sung-Won Lee, Seng Pei Liew, Tongyan Lin, Steven Lowette, Romain Madar, Sarah Malik, Fabio Maltoni, Mario Martinez Perez, Olivier Mattelaer, Kentarou Mawatari, Christopher McCabe, Théo Megy, Enrico Morgante, Stephen Mrenna, Siddharth M. Narayanan, Andy Nelson, Sérgio F. Novaes, Klaas Ole Padeken, Priscilla Pani, Michele Papucci, Manfred Paulini, Christoph Paus, Jacopo Pazzini, Björn Penning, Michael E. Peskin, Deborah Pinna, Massimiliano Procura, Shamona F. Qazi, Davide Racco, Emanuele Re, Antonio Riotto, Thomas G. Rizzo, Rainer Roehrig, David Salek, Arturo Sanchez Pineda, Subir Sarkar, Alexander Schmidt, Steven Randolph Schramm, William Shepherd, Gurpreet Singh, Livia Soffi, Norraphat Srimanobhas, Kevin Sung, Tim M. P. Tait, Timothee Theveneaux-Pelzer, Marc Thomas, Mia Tosi, Daniele Trocino, Sonaina Undleeb, Alessandro Vichi, Fuquan Wang, Lian-Tao Wang, Ren-Jie Wang, Nikola Whallon, Steven Worm, Mengqing Wu, Sau Lan Wu, Hongtao Yang, Yong Yang, Shin-Shan Yu, Bryan Zaldivar, Marco Zanetti, Zhiqing Zhang, Alberto Zucchetta
This document is the final report of the ATLAS-CMS Dark Matter Forum, a forum organized by the ATLAS and CMS collaborations with the participation of experts on theories of Dark Matter, to select a minimal basis set of dark matter simplified models that should support the design of the early LHC Run-2 searches.
High Energy Physics - Experiment High Energy Physics - Phenomenology
no code implementations • 27 Jul 2013 • Harjinder Kaur, Gurpreet Singh, Jaspreet Minhas
Intrusion detection is so much popular since the last two decades where intrusion is attempted to break into or misuse the system.