Search Results for author: Gyorgy Denes

Found 3 papers, 2 papers with code

Supervised Learning for Table Tennis Match Prediction

no code implementations28 Mar 2023 Sophie Chiang, Gyorgy Denes

Different models performed comparably, with the accuracy of the results (61-70%) matching state-of-the-art models in comparable sports, such as tennis.


HDR image reconstruction from a single exposure using deep CNNs

2 code implementations20 Oct 2017 Gabriel Eilertsen, Joel Kronander, Gyorgy Denes, Rafał K. Mantiuk, Jonas Unger

We demonstrate that our approach can reconstruct high-resolution visually convincing HDR results in a wide range of situations, and that it generalizes well to reconstruction of images captured with arbitrary and low-end cameras that use unknown camera response functions and post-processing.

HDR Reconstruction Image Reconstruction +1

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