Search Results for author: Haebin Shin

Found 5 papers, 3 papers with code

Learning to Embed Multi-Modal Contexts for Situated Conversational Agents

no code implementations Findings (NAACL) 2022 Haeju Lee, Oh Joon Kwon, Yunseon Choi, Minho Park, Ran Han, Yoonhyung Kim, Jinhyeon Kim, Youngjune Lee, Haebin Shin, Kangwook Lee, Kee-Eung Kim

The Situated Interactive Multi-Modal Conversations (SIMMC) 2. 0 aims to create virtual shopping assistants that can accept complex multi-modal inputs, i. e. visual appearances of objects and user utterances.

coreference-resolution Decoder +4

INSTRUCTIR: A Benchmark for Instruction Following of Information Retrieval Models

1 code implementation22 Feb 2024 Hanseok Oh, Hyunji Lee, Seonghyeon Ye, Haebin Shin, Hansol Jang, Changwook Jun, Minjoon Seo

Enhancing the capability of retrievers to understand intentions and preferences of users, akin to language model instructions, has the potential to yield more aligned search targets.

Information Retrieval Instruction Following +2

KTRL+F: Knowledge-Augmented In-Document Search

2 code implementations14 Nov 2023 Hanseok Oh, Haebin Shin, Miyoung Ko, Hyunji Lee, Minjoon Seo

We introduce a new problem KTRL+F, a knowledge-augmented in-document search task that necessitates real-time identification of all semantic targets within a document with the awareness of external sources through a single natural query.


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