Search Results for author: Hai Victor Habi

Found 8 papers, 7 papers with code

Data Generation for Hardware-Friendly Post-Training Quantization

1 code implementation29 Oct 2024 Lior Dikstein, Ariel Lapid, Arnon Netzer, Hai Victor Habi

We analyze existing data generation methods based on batch normalization (BN) matching and identify several gaps between synthetic and real data: 1) Current generation algorithms do not optimize the entire synthetic dataset simultaneously; 2) Data augmentations applied during training are often overlooked; and 3) A distribution shift occurs in the final model layers due to the absence of BN in those layers.

Data Augmentation object-detection +2

EPTQ: Enhanced Post-Training Quantization via Hessian-guided Network-wise Optimization

1 code implementation20 Sep 2023 Ofir Gordon, Elad Cohen, Hai Victor Habi, Arnon Netzer

In addition, we leverage the Hessian upper bound to improve the weight quantization parameters selection by focusing on the more sensitive elements in the weight tensors.

Knowledge Distillation object-detection +3

Reconciling a Centroid-Hypothesis Conflict in Source-Free Domain Adaptation

1 code implementation7 Dec 2022 Idit Diamant, Roy H. Jennings, Oranit Dror, Hai Victor Habi, Arnon Netzer

We propose to reconcile this conflict by aligning the entropy minimization objective with that of the pseudo labels' cross entropy.

Pseudo Label Source-Free Domain Adaptation

Learning to Bound: A Generative Cramér-Rao Bound

no code implementations7 Mar 2022 Hai Victor Habi, Hagit Messer, Yoram Bresler

The Cram\'er-Rao bound (CRB), a well-known lower bound on the performance of any unbiased parameter estimator, has been used to study a wide variety of problems.

Edge Detection Image Denoising

Multi-View Image-to-Image Translation Supervised by 3D Pose

1 code implementation12 Apr 2021 Idit Diamant, Oranit Dror, Hai Victor Habi, Arnon Netzer

Experimental results on the CMU-Panoptic dataset demonstrate the effectiveness of the suggested framework in generating photo-realistic images of persons with new poses that are more consistent across all views in comparison to a standard Image-to-Image baseline.

Image-to-Image Translation Translation

HMQ: Hardware Friendly Mixed Precision Quantization Block for CNNs

2 code implementations ECCV 2020 Hai Victor Habi, Roy H. Jennings, Arnon Netzer

In this work, we introduce the Hardware Friendly Mixed Precision Quantization Block (HMQ) in order to meet this requirement.


Genetic Network Architecture Search

1 code implementation5 Jul 2019 Hai Victor Habi, Gil Rafalovich

We propose a method for learning the neural network architecture that based on Genetic Algorithm (GA).

Neural Architecture Search

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