Search Results for author: Haifeng Tang

Found 7 papers, 5 papers with code

ChatMatch: Evaluating Chatbots by Autonomous Chat Tournaments

1 code implementation ACL 2022 Ruolan Yang, Zitong Li, Haifeng Tang, Kenny Zhu

Existing automatic evaluation systems of chatbots mostly rely on static chat scripts as ground truth, which is hard to obtain, and requires access to the models of the bots as a form of “white-box testing”.


LoCI-DiffCom: Longitudinal Consistency-Informed Diffusion Model for 3D Infant Brain Image Completion

no code implementations17 May 2024 Zihao Zhu, Tianli Tao, Yitian Tao, Haowen Deng, Xinyi Cai, Gaofeng Wu, Kaidong Wang, Haifeng Tang, Lixuan Zhu, Zhuoyang Gu, Jiawei Huang, Dinggang Shen, Han Zhang

The infant brain undergoes rapid development in the first few years after birth. Compared to cross-sectional studies, longitudinal studies can depict the trajectories of infants brain development with higher accuracy, statistical power and flexibility. However, the collection of infant longitudinal magnetic resonance (MR) data suffers a notorious dropout problem, resulting in incomplete datasets with missing time points.

Reducing Sensitivity on Speaker Names for Text Generation from Dialogues

1 code implementation23 May 2023 Qi Jia, Haifeng Tang, Kenny Q. Zhu

Changing speaker names consistently throughout a dialogue should not affect its meaning and corresponding outputs for text generation from dialogues.

Text Generation

In-sample Curriculum Learning by Sequence Completion for Natural Language Generation

1 code implementation21 Nov 2022 Qi Jia, Yizhu Liu, Haifeng Tang, Kenny Q. Zhu

Curriculum learning has shown promising improvements in multiple domains by training machine learning models from easy samples to hard ones.

Text Generation

Post-Training Dialogue Summarization using Pseudo-Paraphrasing

1 code implementation Findings (NAACL) 2022 Qi Jia, Yizhu Liu, Haifeng Tang, Kenny Q. Zhu

Previous dialogue summarization techniques adapt large language models pretrained on the narrative text by injecting dialogue-specific features into the models.

Multi-turn Response Selection using Dialogue Dependency Relations

1 code implementation EMNLP 2020 Qi Jia, Yizhu Liu, Siyu Ren, Kenny Q. Zhu, Haifeng Tang

In this paper, we propose a dialogue extraction algorithm to transform a dialogue history into threads based on their dependency relations.

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