Search Results for author: Haijun Liu

Found 17 papers, 5 papers with code

Progressive Fine-to-Coarse Reconstruction for Accurate Low-Bit Post-Training Quantization in Vision Transformers

no code implementations19 Dec 2024 Rui Ding, Liang Yong, Sihuan Zhao, Jing Nie, Lihui Chen, Haijun Liu, Xichuan Zhou

To this end, in this paper, we propose a Progressive Fine-to-Coarse Reconstruction (PFCR) method for accurate PTQ, which significantly improves the performance of low-bit quantized vision transformers.

Instance Segmentation POS +2

EigenSR: Eigenimage-Bridged Pre-Trained RGB Learners for Single Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution

no code implementations6 Sep 2024 Xi Su, Xiangfei Shen, Mingyang Wan, Jing Nie, Lihui Chen, Haijun Liu, Xichuan Zhou

In recent years, research on RGB SR has shown that models pre-trained on large-scale benchmark datasets can greatly improve performance on unseen data, which may stand as a remedy for HSI.

Hyperspectral Image Super-Resolution Image Super-Resolution

PSE-Net: Channel Pruning for Convolutional Neural Networks with Parallel-subnets Estimator

no code implementations29 Aug 2024 Shiguang Wang, Tao Xie, Haijun Liu, Xingcheng Zhang, Jian Cheng

Channel Pruning is one of the most widespread techniques used to compress deep neural networks while maintaining their performances.

Neural Architecture Search

A survey of Transformer applications for histopathological image analysis: New developments and future directions

1 code implementation journal 2023 Chukwuemeka Clinton Atabansi, Jing Nie, Haijun Liu, Qianqian Song, Lingfeng Yan, Xichuan Zhou

Transformers have been widely used in many computer vision challenges and have shown the capability of producing better results than convolutional neural networks (CNNs).

Survey Survival Analysis

BiGSeT: Binary Mask-Guided Separation Training for DNN-based Hyperspectral Anomaly Detection

no code implementations14 Jul 2023 Haijun Liu, Xi Su, Xiangfei Shen, Lihui Chen, Xichuan Zhou

Our method introduces a separation training loss based on a latent binary mask to separately constrain the background and anomalies in the estimated image.

Anomaly Detection

MDL-NAS: A Joint Multi-Domain Learning Framework for Vision Transformer

no code implementations CVPR 2023 Shiguang Wang, Tao Xie, Jian Cheng, Xingcheng Zhang, Haijun Liu

Technically, MDL-NAS constructs a coarse-to-fine search space, where the coarse search space offers various optimal architectures for different tasks while the fine search space provides fine-grained parameter sharing to tackle the inherent obstacles of multi-domain learning.

Image Classification Incremental Learning

IntraLoss: Further Margin via Gradient-Enhancing Term for Deep Face Recognition

no code implementations7 Jul 2021 Chengzhi Jiang, Yanzhou Su, Wen Wang, Haiwei Bai, Haijun Liu, Jian Cheng

This method, named IntraLoss, explicitly performs gradient enhancement in the anisotropic region so that the intra-class distribution continues to shrink, resulting in isotropic and more compact intra-class distribution and further margin between identities.

Face Recognition

Parameter Sharing Exploration and Hetero-Center based Triplet Loss for Visible-Thermal Person Re-Identification

1 code implementation14 Aug 2020 Haijun Liu, Xiaoheng Tan, Xichuan Zhou

By well splitting the ResNet50 model to construct the modality-specific feature extracting network and modality-sharing feature embedding network, we experimentally demonstrate the effect of parameters sharing of two-stream network for VT Re-ID.

Cross-Modality Person Re-identification Cross-Modal Person Re-Identification +1

Neural Network Activation Quantization with Bitwise Information Bottlenecks

1 code implementation9 Jun 2020 Xichuan Zhou, Kui Liu, Cong Shi, Haijun Liu, Ji Liu

Recent researches on information bottleneck shed new light on the continuous attempts to open the black box of neural signal encoding.

Computational Efficiency Quantization

Enhancing the Discriminative Feature Learning for Visible-Thermal Cross-Modality Person Re-Identification

no code implementations23 Jul 2019 Haijun Liu, Jian Cheng

To address these two issues, we propose focusing on enhancing the discriminative feature learning (EDFL) with two extreme simple means from two core aspects, (1) skip-connection for mid-level features incorporation to improve the person features with more discriminability and robustness, and (2) dual-modality triplet loss to guide the training procedures by simultaneously considering the cross-modality discrepancy and intra-modality variations.

Cross-Modality Person Re-identification Person Re-Identification +1

The General Pair-based Weighting Loss for Deep Metric Learning

no code implementations30 May 2019 Haijun Liu, Jian Cheng, Wen Wang, Yanzhou Su

A large amount of loss functions based on pair distances have been presented in the literature for guiding the training of deep metric learning.

Image Retrieval Metric Learning +1

Attention: A Big Surprise for Cross-Domain Person Re-Identification

no code implementations30 May 2019 Haijun Liu, Jian Cheng, Shiguang Wang, Wen Wang

Unlike existing cross-domain Re-ID methods, leveraging the auxiliary information of those unlabeled target-domain data, we aim at enhancing the model generalization and adaptation by discriminative feature learning, and directly exploiting a pre-trained model to new domains (datasets) without any utilization of the information from target domains.

Person Re-Identification

Temporal Action Detection by Joint Identification-Verification

no code implementations19 Oct 2018 Wen Wang, Yongjian Wu, Haijun Liu, Shiguang Wang, Jian Cheng

Temporal action detection aims at not only recognizing action category but also detecting start time and end time for each action instance in an untrimmed video.

Action Detection

PCN: Part and Context Information for Pedestrian Detection with CNNs

no code implementations12 Apr 2018 Shiguang Wang, Jian Cheng, Haijun Liu, Ming Tang

To take advantage of the body parts and context information for pedestrian detection, we propose the part and context network (PCN) in this work.

Occlusion Handling Pedestrian Detection

Additive Margin Softmax for Face Verification

10 code implementations17 Jan 2018 Feng Wang, Weiyang Liu, Haijun Liu, Jian Cheng

In this work, we introduce a novel additive angular margin for the Softmax loss, which is intuitively appealing and more interpretable than the existing works.

Face Verification Metric Learning

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