Search Results for author: Haijun Zhang

Found 29 papers, 2 papers with code

Spectrum Sharing in Satellite-Terrestrial Integrated Networks: Frameworks, Approaches, and Opportunities

no code implementations6 Jan 2025 Bodong Shang, Zheng Wang, Xiangyu Li, Chungang Yang, Chao Ren, Haijun Zhang

Furthermore, advanced SS approaches related to interference management in STINs and performance metrics of SS in STINs are introduced.


Fine-Tuning and Deploying Large Language Models Over Edges: Issues and Approaches

no code implementations20 Aug 2024 Yanjie Dong, Haijun Zhang, Chengming Li, Song Guo, Victor C. M. Leung, Xiping Hu

Additionally, large-scale foundation models have expanded to create images, audio, videos, and multi-modal contents, further emphasizing the need for efficient deployment.

Model Compression

Heavy-Ball Momentum Accelerated Actor-Critic With Function Approximation

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Yanjie Dong, Haijun Zhang, Gang Wang, Shisheng Cui, Xiping Hu

In this work, we first propose a heavy-ball momentum based advantage actor-critic (\mbox{HB-A2C}) algorithm by integrating the heavy-ball momentum into the critic recursion that is parameterized by a linear function.

Joint Source-Channel Optimization for UAV Video Coding and Transmission

no code implementations13 Aug 2024 Kesong Wu, Xianbin Cao, Peng Yang, Haijun Zhang, Tony Q. S. Quek, Dapeng Oliver Wu

Unlike existing methods of modeling UAV video source coding and channel transmission separately, we investigate the joint source-channel optimization issue for video coding and transmission.

Pilot-Aided Joint Time Synchronization and Channel Estimation for OTFS

no code implementations8 Aug 2024 Jiazheng Sun, Peng Yang, Xianbin Cao, Zehui Xiong, Haijun Zhang, Tony Q. S. Quek

This letter proposes a pilot-aided joint time synchronization and channel estimation (JTSCE) algorithm for orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) systems.

Joint Radar Sensing, Location, and Communication Resources Optimization in 6G Network

no code implementations28 May 2024 Haijun Zhang, Bowen Chen, Xiangnan Liu, Chao Ren

In the communication phase, a subcarrier allocation method based on subcarrier weights is proposed.

Spin: An Efficient Secure Computation Framework with GPU Acceleration

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Wuxuan Jiang, Xiangjun Song, Shenbai Hong, Haijun Zhang, Wenxin Liu, Bo Zhao, Wei Xu, Yi Li

Accuracy and efficiency remain challenges for multi-party computation (MPC) frameworks.

Cut-and-Paste: Subject-Driven Video Editing with Attention Control

no code implementations20 Nov 2023 Zhichao Zuo, Zhao Zhang, Yan Luo, Yang Zhao, Haijun Zhang, Yi Yang, Meng Wang

This paper presents a novel framework termed Cut-and-Paste for real-word semantic video editing under the guidance of text prompt and additional reference image.

Object Video Editing

IDVT: Interest-aware Denoising and View-guided Tuning for Social Recommendation

no code implementations30 Aug 2023 Dezhao Yang, Jianghong Ma, Shanshan Feng, Haijun Zhang, Zhao Zhang

Specifically, the denoising process considers both social network structure and user interaction interests in a global view.

Contrastive Learning Denoising +1

DRGame: Diversified Recommendation for Multi-category Video Games with Balanced Implicit Preferences

no code implementations30 Aug 2023 Kangzhe Liu, Jianghong Ma, Shanshan Feng, Haijun Zhang, Zhao Zhang

It is centered on multi-category video games, consisting of two {components}: Balance-driven Implicit Preferences Learning for data pre-processing and Clustering-based Diversified Recommendation {Module} for final prediction.

Representation Learning

Accelerating Wireless Federated Learning via Nesterov's Momentum and Distributed Principle Component Analysis

no code implementations31 Mar 2023 Yanjie Dong, Luya Wang, Yuanfang Chi, Jia Wang, Haijun Zhang, Fei Richard Yu, Victor C. M. Leung, Xiping Hu

A wireless federated learning system is investigated by allowing a server and workers to exchange uncoded information via orthogonal wireless channels.

Federated Learning

DeepMA: End-to-end Deep Multiple Access for Wireless Image Transmission in Semantic Communication

no code implementations21 Mar 2023 Wenyu Zhang, Kaiyuan Bai, Sherali Zeadally, Haijun Zhang, Hua Shao, Hui Ma, Victor C. M. Leung

Semantic communication is a new paradigm that exploits deep learning models to enable end-to-end communications processes, and recent studies have shown that it can achieve better noise resiliency compared with traditional communication schemes in a low signal-to-noise (SNR) regime.

Decoder Privacy Preserving +1

Long-Range Zero-Shot Generative Deep Network Quantization

no code implementations13 Nov 2022 Yan Luo, Yangcheng Gao, Zhao Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Mingliang Xu, Meng Wang

We find it is because: 1) a normal generator is hard to obtain high diversity of synthetic data, since it lacks long-range information to allocate attention to global features; 2) the synthetic images aim to simulate the statistics of real data, which leads to weak intra-class heterogeneity and limited feature richness.

Knowledge Distillation Quantization

Network Topology Inference based on Timing Meta-Data

no code implementations11 Oct 2022 WenBo Du, Tao Tan, Haijun Zhang, Xianbin Cao, Gang Yan, Osvaldo Simeone

If the data timings and ACK timings of two nodes -- say node 1 and node 2, respectively -- are causally related, this may be taken as evidence that node 1 is communicating to node 2 (which sends back ACK packets to node 1).

Uncertainty Minimization for Personalized Federated Semi-Supervised Learning

no code implementations5 May 2022 Yanhang Shi, Siguang Chen, Haijun Zhang

Since federated learning (FL) has been introduced as a decentralized learning technique with privacy preservation, statistical heterogeneity of distributed data stays the main obstacle to achieve robust performance and stable convergence in FL applications.

Federated Learning

Towards Feature Distribution Alignment and Diversity Enhancement for Data-Free Quantization

no code implementations30 Apr 2022 Yangcheng Gao, Zhao Zhang, Richang Hong, Haijun Zhang, Jicong Fan, Shuicheng Yan

To obtain high inter-class separability of semantic features, we cluster and align the feature distribution statistics to imitate the distribution of real data, so that the performance degradation is alleviated.

Data Free Quantization Diversity +2

Proximal Policy Optimization-based Transmit Beamforming and Phase-shift Design in an IRS-aided ISAC System for the THz Band

no code implementations21 Mar 2022 Xiangnan Liu, Haijun Zhang, Keping Long, Mingyu Zhou, Yonghui Li, H. Vincent Poor

Then the joint optimization of transmit beamforming and phase-shift design is achieved by gradient-based, primal-dual proximal policy optimization (PPO) in the multi-user multiple-input single-output (MISO) scenario.

AI-aided Traffic Control Scheme for M2M Communications in the Internet of Vehicles

no code implementations5 Mar 2022 Haijun Zhang, Minghui Jiang, Xiangnan Liu, Keping Long, Victor C. M. Leung

Due to the rapid growth of data transmissions in internet of vehicles (IoV), finding schemes that can effectively alleviate access congestion has become an important issue.

Arbitrary Virtual Try-On Network: Characteristics Preservation and Trade-off between Body and Clothing

no code implementations24 Nov 2021 Yu Liu, Mingbo Zhao, Zhao Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Shuicheng Yan

Based on this dataset, we then propose the Arbitrary Virtual Try-On Network (AVTON) that is utilized for all-type clothes, which can synthesize realistic try-on images by preserving and trading off characteristics of the target clothes and the reference person.

Geometric Matching Virtual Try-on

A Simple Approach to Automated Spectral Clustering

1 code implementation23 Jul 2021 Jicong Fan, Yiheng Tu, Zhao Zhang, Mingbo Zhao, Haijun Zhang

First, we propose to find the most reliable affinity matrix via grid search or Bayesian optimization among a set of candidates given by different AMC methods with different hyperparameters, where the reliability is quantified by the \textit{relative-eigen-gap} of graph Laplacian introduced in this paper.

Bayesian Optimization Clustering +1

Evidence of topological nodal lines and surface states in the centrosymmetric superconductor SnTaS2

no code implementations7 Dec 2020 Wenqing Chen, Lulu Liu, Wentao Yang, Dong Chen, Zhengtai Liu, Yaobo Huang, Tong Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Zhonghao Liu, D. W. Shen

Utilizing angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy and first-principles calculations, here, we demonstrate the existence of topological nodal-line states and drumheadlike surface states in centrosymmetric superconductor SnTaS2, which is a type-II superconductor with a critical transition temperature of about 3 K. The valence bands from Ta 5d orbitals and the conduction bands from Sn 5p orbitals cross each other, forming two nodal lines in the vicinity of the Fermi energy without the inclusion of spin-orbit coupling (SOC), protected by the spatial-inversion symmetry and time-reversal symmetry.


Energy Efficient User Clustering, Hybrid Precoding and Power Optimization in Terahertz MIMO-NOMA Systems

no code implementations3 May 2020 Haijun Zhang, Haisen Zhang, Wei Liu, Keping Long, Jiangbo Dong, Victor C. M. Leung

Considering the power consumption and implementation complexity, the hybrid precoding scheme based on the sub-connection structure is adopted.


Semi-DerainGAN: A New Semi-supervised Single Image Deraining Network

no code implementations23 Jan 2020 Yanyan Wei, Zhao Zhang, Yang Wang, Haijun Zhang, Mingbo Zhao, Mingliang Xu, Meng Wang

Although supervised deep deraining networks have obtained impressive results on synthetic datasets, they still cannot obtain satisfactory results on real images due to weak generalization of rain removal capacity, i. e., the pre-trained models usually cannot handle new shapes and directions that may lead to over-derained/under-derained results.

Single Image Deraining

Compressed DenseNet for Lightweight Character Recognition

no code implementations15 Dec 2019 Zhao Zhang, Zemin Tang, Yang Wang, Haijun Zhang, Shuicheng Yan, Meng Wang

LDB is a convolutional block similarly as dense block, but it can reduce the computation cost and weight size to (1/L, 2/L), compared with original ones, where L is the number of layers in blocks.

A Coarse-to-Fine Multi-stream Hybrid Deraining Network for Single Image Deraining

no code implementations28 Aug 2019 Yanyan Wei, Zhao Zhang, Haijun Zhang, Richang Hong, Meng Wang

To obtain the negative rain streaks during training process more accurately, we present a new module named dual path residual dense block, i. e., Residual path and Dense path.

Single Image Deraining SSIM

Thirty Years of Machine Learning: The Road to Pareto-Optimal Wireless Networks

no code implementations24 Jan 2019 Jingjing Wang, Chunxiao Jiang, Haijun Zhang, Yong Ren, Kwang-cheng Chen, Lajos Hanzo

Future wireless networks have a substantial potential in terms of supporting a broad range of complex compelling applications both in military and civilian fields, where the users are able to enjoy high-rate, low-latency, low-cost and reliable information services.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Decision Making +1

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