Search Results for author: Haimin Wang

Found 20 papers, 6 papers with code

Prediction of Geoeffective CMEs Using SOHO Images and Deep Learning

no code implementations2 Jan 2025 Khalid A. Alobaid, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang, Ju Jing, Yasser Abduallah, Zhenduo Wang, Hameedullah Farooki, Huseyin Cavus, Vasyl Yurchyshyn

The application of machine learning to the study of coronal mass ejections (CMEs) and their impacts on Earth has seen significant growth recently.

Deep Learning Transfer Learning

Deep Computer Vision for Solar Physics Big Data: Opportunities and Challenges

no code implementations7 Sep 2024 Bo Shen, Marco Marena, Chenyang Li, Qin Li, Haodi Jiang, Mengnan Du, Jiajun Xu, Haimin Wang

With recent missions such as advanced space-based observatories like the Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) and Parker Solar Probe, and ground-based telescopes like the Daniel K. Inouye Solar Telescope (DKIST), the volume, velocity, and variety of data have made solar physics enter a transformative era as solar physics big data (SPBD).

Global-local Fourier Neural Operator for Accelerating Coronal Magnetic Field Model

1 code implementation21 May 2024 Yutao Du, Qin Li, Raghav Gnanasambandam, Mengnan Du, Haimin Wang, Bo Shen

The goal of this study is to accelerate coronal magnetic field simulation using deep learning, specifically, the Fourier Neural Operator (FNO).

Computational Efficiency

Prediction of the SYM-H Index Using a Bayesian Deep Learning Method with Uncertainty Quantification

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Yasser Abduallah, Khalid A. Alobaid, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang, Vania K. Jordanova, Vasyl Yurchyshyn, Huseyin Cavus, Ju Jing

For example, SYMHnet achieves a forecast skill score (FSS) of 0. 343 compared to the FSS of 0. 074 of a recent gradient boosting machine (GBM) method when predicting SYM-H indices (1 hour in advance) in a large storm (SYM-H = -393 nT) using 5-minute resolution data.

Bayesian Inference Graph Neural Network +1

Estimating Coronal Mass Ejection Mass and Kinetic Energy by Fusion of Multiple Deep-learning Models

no code implementations4 Dec 2023 Khalid A. Alobaid, Yasser Abduallah, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang, Shen Fan, Jialiang Li, Huseyin Cavus, Vasyl Yurchyshyn

In this paper, we propose a new method, called DeepCME, to estimate two properties of CMEs, namely, CME mass and kinetic energy.

On Model Compression for Neural Networks: Framework, Algorithm, and Convergence Guarantee

1 code implementation13 Mar 2023 Chenyang Li, Jihoon Chung, Mengnan Du, Haimin Wang, Xianlian Zhou, Bo Shen

This paper focuses on two model compression techniques: low-rank approximation and weight pruning in neural networks, which are very popular nowadays.

Image Classification Model Compression +1

A Deep Learning Approach to Generating Photospheric Vector Magnetograms of Solar Active Regions for SOHO/MDI Using SDO/HMI and BBSO Data

no code implementations4 Nov 2022 Haodi Jiang, Qin Li, Zhihang Hu, Nian Liu, Yasser Abduallah, Ju Jing, Genwei Zhang, Yan Xu, Wynne Hsu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

We propose a new deep learning method, named MagNet, to learn from combined LOS magnetograms, Bx and By taken by SDO/HMI along with H-alpha observations collected by the Big Bear Solar Observatory (BBSO), and to generate vector components Bx' and By', which would form vector magnetograms with observed LOS data.

Solar Flare Index Prediction Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Data Products with Statistical and Machine Learning Methods

no code implementations28 Sep 2022 Hewei Zhang, Qin Li, Yanxing Yang, Ju Jing, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang, Zuofeng Shang

In addition, we sort the importance of SHARP parameters by Borda Count method calculated from the ranks that are rendered by 9 different machine learning methods.


A Deep Learning Approach to Dst Index Prediction

no code implementations5 May 2022 Yasser Abduallah, Jason T. L. Wang, Prianka Bose, Genwei Zhang, Firas Gerges, Haimin Wang

To our knowledge, this is the first time that Bayesian deep learning has been used for Dst index forecasting.

Bayesian Inference Deep Learning +1

Predicting Solar Energetic Particles Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Data Products and a Bidirectional LSTM Network

no code implementations27 Mar 2022 Yasser Abduallah, Vania K. Jordanova, Hao liu, Qin Li, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

Solar energetic particles (SEPs) are an essential source of space radiation, which are hazards for humans in space, spacecraft, and technology in general.

Deep Learning Based Reconstruction of Total Solar Irradiance

no code implementations23 Jul 2021 Yasser Abduallah, Jason T. L. Wang, Yucong Shen, Khalid A. Alobaid, Serena Criscuoli, Haimin Wang

In this paper we propose a new method, called TSInet, to reconstruct total solar irradiance by deep learning for short and long periods of time that span beyond the physical models' data availability.

Deep Learning

Tracing Halpha Fibrils through Bayesian Deep Learning

no code implementations16 Jul 2021 Haodi Jiang, Ju Jing, Jiasheng Wang, Chang Liu, Qin Li, Yan Xu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

Our method consists of a data pre-processing component that prepares training data from a threshold-based tool, a deep learning model implemented as a Bayesian convolutional neural network for probabilistic image segmentation with uncertainty quantification to predict fibrils, and a post-processing component containing a fibril-fitting algorithm to determine fibril orientations.

Deep Learning Image Segmentation +3

Identifying and Tracking Solar Magnetic Flux Elements with Deep Learning

4 code implementations27 Aug 2020 Haodi Jiang, Jiasheng Wang, Chang Liu, Ju Jing, Hao liu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

Deep learning has drawn a lot of interest in recent years due to its effectiveness in processing big and complex observational data gathered from diverse instruments.

Deep Learning Image Segmentation +1

Inferring Vector Magnetic Fields from Stokes Profiles of GST/NIRIS Using a Convolutional Neural Network

no code implementations8 May 2020 Hao Liu, Yan Xu, Jiasheng Wang, Ju Jing, Chang Liu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

By learning the latent patterns in the training data prepared by the physics-based ME tool, the proposed CNN method is able to infer vector magnetic fields from the Stokes profiles of GST/NIRIS.

Solar and Stellar Astrophysics

Predicting Coronal Mass Ejections Using SDO/HMI Vector Magnetic Data Products and Recurrent Neural Networks

3 code implementations22 Feb 2020 Hao Liu, Chang Liu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

We present two recurrent neural networks (RNNs), one based on gated recurrent units and the other based on long short-term memory, for predicting whether an active region (AR) that produces an M- or X-class flare will also produce a coronal mass ejection (CME).

Time Series Analysis

Predicting Solar Flares Using a Long Short-Term Memory Network

2 code implementations17 May 2019 Hao Liu, Chang Liu, Jason T. L. Wang, Haimin Wang

The essence of our approach is to model data samples in an AR as time series and use LSTMs to capture temporal information of the data samples.

Solar Flare Prediction Time Series Analysis

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