Search Results for author: Haitham Seelawi

Found 7 papers, 3 papers with code

Multilingual HateCheck: Functional Tests for Multilingual Hate Speech Detection Models

1 code implementation NAACL (WOAH) 2022 Paul Röttger, Haitham Seelawi, Debora Nozza, Zeerak Talat, Bertie Vidgen

To help address this issue, we introduce Multilingual HateCheck (MHC), a suite of functional tests for multilingual hate speech detection models.

Hate Speech Detection

Multi-Dialect Arabic BERT for Country-Level Dialect Identification

1 code implementation COLING (WANLP) 2020 Bashar Talafha, Mohammad Ali, Muhy Eddin Za'ter, Haitham Seelawi, Ibraheem Tuffaha, Mostafa Samir, Wael Farhan, Hussein T. Al-Natsheh

Our winning solution itself came in the form of an ensemble of different training iterations of our pre-trained BERT model, which achieved a micro-averaged F1-score of 26. 78% on the subtask at hand.

Dialect Identification Language Modeling +1

Deep Contextualized Pairwise Semantic Similarity for Arabic Language Questions

no code implementations19 Sep 2019 Hesham Al-Bataineh, Wael Farhan, Ahmad Mustafa, Haitham Seelawi, Hussein T. Al-Natsheh

Question semantic similarity is a challenging and active research problem that is very useful in many NLP applications, such as detecting duplicate questions in community question answering platforms such as Quora.

Community Question Answering Question Similarity +2

NSURL-2019 Shared Task 8: Semantic Question Similarity in Arabic

no code implementations12 Sep 2019 Haitham Seelawi, Ahmad Mustafa, Hesham Al-Bataineh, Wael Farhan, Hussein T. Al-Natsheh

Question semantic similarity (Q2Q) is a challenging task that is very useful in many NLP applications, such as detecting duplicate questions and question answering systems.

Question Answering Question Similarity +2

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