Search Results for author: Haiyan Guo

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

The Graph feature fusion technique for speaker recognition based on wav2vec2.0 framework

no code implementations19 Mar 2023 Zirui Ge, Haiyan Guo, Zhen Yang

The GNN takes all the output features as the graph signal data and extracts the related graph structure information of features for speaker recognition.

Graph Attention Graph Neural Network +1

Universal Graph Filter Design based on Butterworth, Chebyshev and Elliptic Functions

no code implementations28 Mar 2022 Zirui Ge, Haiyan Guo, Tingting Wang, Zhen Yang

In this paper, we propose to design universal IIR graph filters with low computational complexity by using three kinds of functions, which are Butterworth, Chebyshev, and Elliptic functions, respectively.

Optimal Fractional Fourier Filtering in Time-vertex Graphs signal processing

no code implementations12 Jan 2022 Zirui Ge, Haiyan Guo, Tingting Wang, Zhen Yang

Furthermore, the optimal time-vertex graph filter in fractional domains is also developed, using the graph fractional Laplacian operator and graph fractional Fourier transform.

An Iterative Graph Spectral Subtraction Method for Speech Enhancement

no code implementations15 Jun 2020 Xue Yan, Zhen Yang, Tingting Wang, Haiyan Guo

In this paper, we investigate the application of graph signal processing (GSP) theory in speech enhancement.

Speech Enhancement

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