Search Results for author: Haiyan Wu

Found 18 papers, 4 papers with code

Towards Boosting LLMs-driven Relevance Modeling with Progressive Retrieved Behavior-augmented Prompting

no code implementations18 Aug 2024 Zeyuan Chen, Haiyan Wu, Kaixin Wu, Wei Chen, Mingjie Zhong, Jia Xu, Zhongyi Liu, Wei zhang

In response, we propose ProRBP, a novel Progressive Retrieved Behavior-augmented Prompting framework for integrating search scenario-oriented knowledge with LLMs effectively.

Uncovering cognitive taskonomy through transfer learning in masked autoencoder-based fMRI reconstruction

no code implementations24 May 2024 Youzhi Qu, Junfeng Xia, Xinyao Jian, Wendu Li, Kaining Peng, Zhichao Liang, Haiyan Wu, Quanying Liu

Here, we employ the masked autoencoder (MAE) model to reconstruct functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data, and utilize a transfer learning framework to obtain the cognitive taskonomy, a matrix to quantify the similarity between cognitive tasks.

Denoising Transfer Learning

Integration of cognitive tasks into artificial general intelligence test for large models

no code implementations4 Feb 2024 Youzhi Qu, Chen Wei, Penghui Du, Wenxin Che, Chi Zhang, Wanli Ouyang, Yatao Bian, Feiyang Xu, Bin Hu, Kai Du, Haiyan Wu, Jia Liu, Quanying Liu

During the evolution of large models, performance evaluation is necessarily performed to assess their capabilities and ensure safety before practical application.

Towards human-compatible autonomous car: A study of non-verbal Turing test in automated driving with affective transition modelling

1 code implementation6 Dec 2022 Zhaoning Li, Qiaoli Jiang, Zhengming Wu, Anqi Liu, Haiyan Wu, Miner Huang, Kai Huang, Yixuan Ku

The present study tested whether the AI driver could create a human-like ride experience for passengers based on 69 participants' feedback in a real-road scenario.

Autonomous Driving

Deep Auto-encoder with Neural Response

no code implementations30 Nov 2021 Xuming Ran, Jie Zhang, Ziyuan Ye, Haiyan Wu, Qi Xu, Huihui Zhou, Quanying Liu

In this study, we propose an integrated framework called Deep Autoencoder with Neural Response (DAE-NR), which incorporates information from ANN and the visual cortex to achieve better image reconstruction performance and higher neural representation similarity between biological and artificial neurons.

Decoder Image Reconstruction

Can AI detect pain and express pain empathy? A review from emotion recognition and a human-centered AI perspective

no code implementations8 Oct 2021 Siqi Cao, Di Fu, Xu Yang, Stefan Wermter, Xun Liu, Haiyan Wu

Furthermore, we discuss challenges for responsible evaluation of cognitive methods and computational techniques and show approaches to future work to contribute to affective assistants capable of empathy.

Emotion Recognition

Self-supervised Models are Good Teaching Assistants for Vision Transformers

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Haiyan Wu, Yuting Gao, Ke Li, Yinqi Zhang, Shaohui Lin, Yuan Xie, Xing Sun

These findings motivate us to introduce an self-supervised teaching assistant (SSTA) besides the commonly used supervised teacher to improve the performance of transformers.

Image Classification Knowledge Distillation

Towards Compact Single Image Super-Resolution via Contrastive Self-distillation

9 code implementations25 May 2021 Yanbo Wang, Shaohui Lin, Yanyun Qu, Haiyan Wu, Zhizhong Zhang, Yuan Xie, Angela Yao

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are highly successful for super-resolution (SR) but often require sophisticated architectures with heavy memory cost and computational overhead, significantly restricts their practical deployments on resource-limited devices.

Image Super-Resolution SSIM +1

Kuramoto model based analysis reveals oxytocin effects on brain network dynamics

no code implementations18 May 2021 Shuhan Zheng, Zhichao Liang, Youzhi Qu, Qingyuan Wu, Haiyan Wu, Quanying Liu

Here, we propose a physics-based framework of Kuramoto model to investigate oxytocin effects on the phase dynamic neural coupling in DMN and FPN.

Contrastive Learning for Compact Single Image Dehazing

9 code implementations CVPR 2021 Haiyan Wu, Yanyun Qu, Shaohui Lin, Jian Zhou, Ruizhi Qiao, Zhizhong Zhang, Yuan Xie, Lizhuang Ma

In this paper, we propose a novel contrastive regularization (CR) built upon contrastive learning to exploit both the information of hazy images and clear images as negative and positive samples, respectively.

Contrastive Learning Image Dehazing +1

Machine Learning Applications on Neuroimaging for Diagnosis and Prognosis of Epilepsy: A Review

no code implementations5 Feb 2021 Jie Yuan, Xuming Ran, Keyin Liu, Chen Yao, Yi Yao, Haiyan Wu, Quanying Liu

Machine learning is playing an increasingly important role in medical image analysis, spawning new advances in the clinical application of neuroimaging.

BIG-bench Machine Learning EEG +2

Modeling and Interpreting Real-world Human Risk Decision Making with Inverse Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations13 Jun 2019 Quanying Liu, Haiyan Wu, Anqi Liu

Our results demonstrate that IRL is an effective tool to model human decision-making behavior, as well as to help interpret the human psychological process in risk decision-making.

Decision Making reinforcement-learning +2

Assessing the Contribution of Semantic Congruency to Multisensory Integration and Conflict Resolution

no code implementations15 Oct 2018 Di Fu, Pablo Barros, German I. Parisi, Haiyan Wu, Sven Magg, Xun Liu, Stefan Wermter

The efficient integration of multisensory observations is a key property of the brain that yields the robust interaction with the environment.

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