Search Results for author: Haiyang Miao

Found 1 papers, 0 papers with code

Channel Measurement, Modeling, and Simulation for 6G: A Survey and Tutorial

no code implementations26 May 2023 Jianhua Zhang, Jiaxin Lin, Pan Tang, Yuxiang Zhang, Huixin Xu, Tianyang Gao, Haiyang Miao, Zeyong Chai, Zhengfu Zhou, Yi Li, Huiwen Gong, Yameng Liu, Zhiqiang Yuan, Lei Tian, Shaoshi Yang, Liang Xia, Guangyi Liu, Ping Zhang

Then, a survey of the progress of the 6G channel research regarding the above five promising technologies is presented in terms of the latest measurement campaigns, new characteristics, modeling methods, and research prospects.

3D geometry

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