Search Results for author: Hampus Linander

Found 7 papers, 4 papers with code

Uncertainty quantification in fine-tuned LLMs using LoRA ensembles

no code implementations19 Feb 2024 Oleksandr Balabanov, Hampus Linander

Fine-tuning large language models can improve task specific performance, although a general understanding of what the fine-tuned model has learned, forgotten and how to trust its predictions is still missing.

Multiple-choice Uncertainty Quantification

Bayesian posterior approximation with stochastic ensembles

1 code implementation CVPR 2023 Oleksandr Balabanov, Bernhard Mehlig, Hampus Linander

We introduce ensembles of stochastic neural networks to approximate the Bayesian posterior, combining stochastic methods such as dropout with deep ensembles.

Bayesian Inference Image Classification +1

Real-time semantic segmentation on FPGAs for autonomous vehicles with hls4ml

no code implementations16 May 2022 Nicolò Ghielmetti, Vladimir Loncar, Maurizio Pierini, Marcel Roed, Sioni Summers, Thea Aarrestad, Christoffer Petersson, Hampus Linander, Jennifer Ngadiuba, Kelvin Lin, Philip Harris

In this paper, we investigate how field programmable gate arrays can serve as hardware accelerators for real-time semantic segmentation tasks relevant for autonomous driving.

Autonomous Driving Quantization +1

Equivariance versus Augmentation for Spherical Images

1 code implementation8 Feb 2022 Jan E. Gerken, Oscar Carlsson, Hampus Linander, Fredrik Ohlsson, Christoffer Petersson, Daniel Persson

We compare the performance of the group equivariant networks known as S2CNNs and standard non-equivariant CNNs trained with an increasing amount of data augmentation.

Data Augmentation Image Classification +1

Geometric Deep Learning and Equivariant Neural Networks

no code implementations28 May 2021 Jan E. Gerken, Jimmy Aronsson, Oscar Carlsson, Hampus Linander, Fredrik Ohlsson, Christoffer Petersson, Daniel Persson

We also discuss group equivariant neural networks for homogeneous spaces $\mathcal{M}=G/K$, which are instead equivariant with respect to the global symmetry $G$ on $\mathcal{M}$.

Deep Learning object-detection +2

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