Search Results for author: Hanae Koiso

Found 7 papers, 0 papers with code

Design and Evaluation of the Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation

no code implementations LREC 2022 Hanae Koiso, Haruka Amatani, Yasuharu Den, Yuriko Iseki, Yuichi Ishimoto, Wakako Kashino, Yoshiko Kawabata, Ken’ya Nishikawa, Yayoi Tanaka, Yasuyuki Usuda, Yuka Watanabe

We show that the CEJC includes a good balance of adult conversants in terms of gender and age, as well as a variety of conversations in terms of conversation forms, places, activities, and numbers of conversants.


Survey of Conversational Behavior: Towards the Design of a Balanced Corpus of Everyday Japanese Conversation

no code implementations LREC 2016 Hanae Koiso, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Ryoko Watanabe, Daisuke Yokomori, Masao Aizawa, Yasuharu Den

For this purpose, we conducted a survey of everyday conversational behavior, with about 250 adults, in order to reveal how diverse our everyday conversational behavior is and to build an empirical foundation for corpus design.


Design and development of an RDB version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese

no code implementations LREC 2014 Hanae Koiso, Yasuharu Den, Ken{'}ya Nishikawa, Kikuo Maekawa

In this paper, we describe the design and development of a new version of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ), which is a large-scale spoken corpus released in 2004.

Towards Automatic Transformation between Different Transcription Conventions: Prediction of Intonation Markers from Linguistic and Acoustic Features

no code implementations LREC 2014 Yuichi Ishimoto, Tomoyuki Tsuchiya, Hanae Koiso, Yasuharu Den

Because of the tremendous effort required for recording and transcription, large-scale spoken language corpora have been hardly developed in Japanese, with a notable exception of the Corpus of Spontaneous Japanese (CSJ).

Annotation of response tokens and their triggering expressions in Japanese multi-party conversations

no code implementations LREC 2012 Yasuharu Den, Hanae Koiso, Katsuya Takanashi, Nao Yoshida

In this paper, we propose a new scheme for annotating response tokens (RTs) and their triggering expressions in Japanese multi-party conversations.

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