Search Results for author: Hang Ren

Found 11 papers, 0 papers with code

Graph Learning for Parameter Prediction of Quantum Approximate Optimization Algorithm

no code implementations5 Mar 2024 Zhiding Liang, Gang Liu, Zheyuan Liu, Jinglei Cheng, Tianyi Hao, Kecheng Liu, Hang Ren, Zhixin Song, Ji Liu, Fanny Ye, Yiyu Shi

In recent years, quantum computing has emerged as a transformative force in the field of combinatorial optimization, offering novel approaches to tackling complex problems that have long challenged classical computational methods.

Combinatorial Optimization Graph Learning +1

Demonstration of Robust and Efficient Quantum Property Learning with Shallow Shadows

no code implementations27 Feb 2024 Hong-Ye Hu, Andi Gu, Swarnadeep Majumder, Hang Ren, Yipei Zhang, Derek S. Wang, Yi-Zhuang You, Zlatko Minev, Susanne F. Yelin, Alireza Seif

Prepending a shallow random quantum circuit before measurements maintains this experimental friendliness, but also has favorable sample complexities for observables beyond low-weight Paulis, including high-weight Paulis and global low-rank properties such as fidelity.

Bayesian Inference

Reinforcement Learning in Presence of Discrete Markovian Context Evolution

no code implementations ICLR 2022 Hang Ren, Aivar Sootla, Taher Jafferjee, Junxiao Shen, Jun Wang, Haitham Bou-Ammar

We consider a context-dependent Reinforcement Learning (RL) setting, which is characterized by: a) an unknown finite number of not directly observable contexts; b) abrupt (discontinuous) context changes occurring during an episode; and c) Markovian context evolution.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +2

Learning to Safely Exploit a Non-Stationary Opponent

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Zheng Tian, Hang Ren, Yaodong Yang, Yuchen Sun, Ziqi Han, Ian Davies, Jun Wang

On the other hand, overfitting to an opponent (i. e., exploiting only one specific type of opponent) makes the learning player easily exploitable by others.

Efficient Semi-Implicit Variational Inference

no code implementations15 Jan 2021 Vincent Moens, Hang Ren, Alexandre Maraval, Rasul Tutunov, Jun Wang, Haitham Ammar

In this paper, we propose CI-VI an efficient and scalable solver for semi-implicit variational inference (SIVI).

Variational Inference

System Design and Analysis for Energy-Efficient Passive UAV Radar Imaging System using Illuminators of Opportunity

no code implementations1 Oct 2020 Zhichao Sun, Junjie Wu, Gary G. Yen, Hang Ren, Hongyang An, Jianyu Yang

Then, a set of mission performance evaluators is established to quantitatively assess the capability of the system in a comprehensive manner, including UAV navigation, passive SAR imaging and communication.

Wasserstein Robust Reinforcement Learning

no code implementations30 Jul 2019 Mohammed Amin Abdullah, Hang Ren, Haitham Bou Ammar, Vladimir Milenkovic, Rui Luo, Mingtian Zhang, Jun Wang

Reinforcement learning algorithms, though successful, tend to over-fit to training environments hampering their application to the real-world.

reinforcement-learning Reinforcement Learning +1

Optimizing human-interpretable dialog management policy using Genetic Algorithm

no code implementations12 May 2016 Hang Ren, Weiqun Xu, Yonghong Yan

Automatic optimization of spoken dialog management policies that are robust to environmental noise has long been the goal for both academia and industry.

Management reinforcement-learning +3

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