Search Results for author: Hang Yao

Found 4 papers, 3 papers with code

Evaluating the Generalization Ability of Quantized LLMs: Benchmark, Analysis, and Toolbox

1 code implementation15 Jun 2024 Yijun Liu, Yuan Meng, Fang Wu, Shenhao Peng, Hang Yao, Chaoyu Guan, Chen Tang, Xinzhu Ma, Zhi Wang, Wenwu Zhu

Based on this benchmark, we conduct extensive experiments with two well-known LLMs (English and Chinese) and four quantization algorithms to investigate this topic in-depth, yielding several counter-intuitive and valuable findings, e. g., models quantized using a calibration set with the same distribution as the test data are not necessarily optimal.


GLAD: Towards Better Reconstruction with Global and Local Adaptive Diffusion Models for Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

1 code implementation11 Jun 2024 Hang Yao, Ming Liu, Haolin Wang, Zhicun Yin, Zifei Yan, Xiaopeng Hong, WangMeng Zuo

Therefore, instead of utilizing the same setting for all samples, we propose to predict a particular denoising step for each sample by evaluating the difference between image contents and the priors extracted from diffusion models.

Denoising Unsupervised Anomaly Detection

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