Search Results for author: Hangyu Zhu

Found 9 papers, 0 papers with code

UA-PDFL: A Personalized Approach for Decentralized Federated Learning

no code implementations16 Dec 2024 Hangyu Zhu, Yuxiang Fan, Zhenping Xie

To mitigate this issue, decentralized federated learning (DFL) has been proposed, where all participating clients engage in peer-to-peer communication without a central server.

Federated Learning Privacy Preserving

Privacy Attack in Federated Learning is Not Easy: An Experimental Study

no code implementations28 Sep 2024 Hangyu Zhu, Liyuan Huang, Zhenping Xie

In this paper, we aim to help researchers better understand and evaluate the effectiveness of privacy attacks on FL.

Federated Learning

Federated Two Stage Decoupling With Adaptive Personalization Layers

no code implementations30 Aug 2023 Hangyu Zhu, Yuxiang Fan, Zhenping Xie

While most existing clustered federated learning methods employ either model gradients or inference outputs as metrics for client partitioning, with the goal of grouping similar devices together, may still have heterogeneity within each cluster.

Clustering Federated Learning

FEVERLESS: Fast and Secure Vertical Federated Learning based on XGBoost for Decentralized Labels

no code implementations29 Sep 2021 Rui Wang, Oğuzhan Ersoy, Hangyu Zhu, Yaochu Jin, Kaitai Liang

Vertical Federated Learning (VFL) enables multiple clients to collaboratively train a global model over vertically partitioned data without revealing private local information.

Vertical Federated Learning

PIVODL: Privacy-preserving vertical federated learning over distributed labels

no code implementations25 Aug 2021 Hangyu Zhu, Rui Wang, Yaochu Jin, Kaitai Liang

Federated learning (FL) is an emerging privacy preserving machine learning protocol that allows multiple devices to collaboratively train a shared global model without revealing their private local data.

Privacy Preserving Vertical Federated Learning

Federated Learning on Non-IID Data: A Survey

no code implementations12 Jun 2021 Hangyu Zhu, Jinjin Xu, Shiqing Liu, Yaochu Jin

Federated learning is an emerging distributed machine learning framework for privacy preservation.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Survey +1

From Federated Learning to Federated Neural Architecture Search: A Survey

no code implementations12 Sep 2020 Hangyu Zhu, Haoyu Zhang, Yaochu Jin

Federated learning is a recently proposed distributed machine learning paradigm for privacy preservation, which has found a wide range of applications where data privacy is of primary concern.

Distributed, Parallel, and Cluster Computing

Real-time Federated Evolutionary Neural Architecture Search

no code implementations4 Mar 2020 Hangyu Zhu, Yaochu Jin

Federated learning is a distributed machine learning approach to privacy preservation and two major technical challenges prevent a wider application of federated learning.

BIG-bench Machine Learning Federated Learning +1

Multi-objective Evolutionary Federated Learning

no code implementations18 Dec 2018 Hangyu Zhu, Yaochu Jin

A scalable method for encoding network connectivity is adapted to federated learning to enhance the efficiency in evolving deep neural networks.

Federated Learning

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