Search Results for author: Hanqing Zhao

Found 9 papers, 4 papers with code

UniForensics: Face Forgery Detection via General Facial Representation

no code implementations26 Jul 2024 Ziyuan Fang, Hanqing Zhao, Tianyi Wei, Wenbo Zhou, Ming Wan, Zhanyi Wang, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

On the basis of the representation learned in the first stage, the second stage involves fine-tuning on face forgery detection dataset to build a deepfake detector.

Contrastive Learning DeepFake Detection +2

CatVTON: Concatenation Is All You Need for Virtual Try-On with Diffusion Models

1 code implementation21 Jul 2024 Zheng Chong, Xiao Dong, Haoxiang Li, Shiyue Zhang, Wenqing Zhang, Xujie Zhang, Hanqing Zhao, Xiaodan Liang

Virtual try-on methods based on diffusion models achieve realistic try-on effects but often replicate the backbone network as a ReferenceNet or use additional image encoders to process condition inputs, leading to high training and inference costs.

Fashion Synthesis Image Generation +1

Construction of a Syntactic Analysis Map for Yi Shui School through Text Mining and Natural Language Processing Research

no code implementations16 Feb 2024 Hanqing Zhao, Yuehan Li

Entity and relationship extraction is a crucial component in natural language processing tasks such as knowledge graph construction, question answering system design, and semantic analysis.

graph construction Information Retrieval +2

X-Paste: Revisiting Scalable Copy-Paste for Instance Segmentation using CLIP and StableDiffusion

2 code implementations7 Dec 2022 Hanqing Zhao, Dianmo Sheng, Jianmin Bao, Dongdong Chen, Dong Chen, Fang Wen, Lu Yuan, Ce Liu, Wenbo Zhou, Qi Chu, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

We demonstrate for the first time that using a text2image model to generate images or zero-shot recognition model to filter noisily crawled images for different object categories is a feasible way to make Copy-Paste truly scalable.

Data Augmentation Instance Segmentation +5

Self-supervised Transformer for Deepfake Detection

no code implementations2 Mar 2022 Hanqing Zhao, Wenbo Zhou, Dongdong Chen, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

After pre-training with our method, the model will then be partially fine-tuned for deepfake detection task.

Contrastive Learning DeepFake Detection +3

Multi-attentional Deepfake Detection

1 code implementation CVPR 2021 Hanqing Zhao, Wenbo Zhou, Dongdong Chen, Tianyi Wei, Weiming Zhang, Nenghai Yu

Most of them model deepfake detection as a vanilla binary classification problem, i. e, first use a backbone network to extract a global feature and then feed it into a binary classifier (real/fake).

Binary Classification Data Augmentation +2

An $O(N)$ Sorting Algorithm: Machine Learning Sort

1 code implementation11 May 2018 Hanqing Zhao, Yuehan Luo

We propose an $O(N\cdot M)$ sorting algorithm by Machine Learning method, which shows a huge potential sorting big data.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

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