Search Results for author: Hanrui Zhang

Found 15 papers, 3 papers with code

Learning the Valuations of a $k$-demand Agent

no code implementations ICML 2020 Hanrui Zhang, Vincent Conitzer

We study problems where a learner aims to learn the valuations of an agent by observing which goods he buys under varying price vectors.

Active Learning

Strategic Littlestone Dimension: Improved Bounds on Online Strategic Classification

no code implementations16 Jul 2024 Saba Ahmadi, Kunhe Yang, Hanrui Zhang

We derive regret bounds in both the realizable setting where all agents manipulate according to the same graph within the graph family, and the agnostic setting where the manipulation graphs are chosen adversarially and not consistently modeled by a single graph in the family.

Binary Classification

Efficient Algorithms for Planning with Participation Constraints

no code implementations16 May 2022 Hanrui Zhang, Yu Cheng, Vincent Conitzer

Our approach can also be extended to the (discounted) infinite-horizon case, for which we give an algorithm that runs in time polynomial in the size of the input and $\log(1/\varepsilon)$, and returns a policy that is optimal up to an additive error of $\varepsilon$.

Prior-independent Dynamic Auctions for a Value-maximizing Buyer

no code implementations NeurIPS 2021 Yuan Deng, Hanrui Zhang

We study prior-independent dynamic auction design with production costs for a value-maximizing buyer, a paradigm that is becoming prevalent recently following the development of automatic bidding algorithms in advertising platforms.

Near-Optimal Reviewer Splitting in Two-Phase Paper Reviewing and Conference Experiment Design

1 code implementation13 Aug 2021 Steven Jecmen, Hanrui Zhang, Ryan Liu, Fei Fang, Vincent Conitzer, Nihar B. Shah

Many scientific conferences employ a two-phase paper review process, where some papers are assigned additional reviewers after the initial reviews are submitted.

Incentive-aware PAC learning

no code implementations Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence 2021 Hanrui Zhang, Vincent Conitzer

We give a sample complexity bound that is, curiously, independent of the hypothesis class, for the ERM principle restricted to incentivecompatible classifiers.

PAC learning

Automated Mechanism Design for Classification with Partial Verification

no code implementations12 Apr 2021 Hanrui Zhang, Yu Cheng, Vincent Conitzer

We study the problem of automated mechanism design with partial verification, where each type can (mis)report only a restricted set of types (rather than any other type), induced by the principal's limited verification power.

Classification General Classification

Classification with Strategically Withheld Data

1 code implementation18 Dec 2020 Anilesh K. Krishnaswamy, Haoming Li, David Rein, Hanrui Zhang, Vincent Conitzer

To this end, we present {\sc IC-LR}, a modification of Logistic Regression that removes the incentive to strategically drop features.

Classification General Classification +1

Planning with Submodular Objective Functions

no code implementations22 Oct 2020 Ruosong Wang, Hanrui Zhang, Devendra Singh Chaplot, Denis Garagić, Ruslan Salakhutdinov

We study planning with submodular objective functions, where instead of maximizing the cumulative reward, the goal is to maximize the objective value induced by a submodular function.

Mitigating Manipulation in Peer Review via Randomized Reviewer Assignments

2 code implementations NeurIPS 2020 Steven Jecmen, Hanrui Zhang, Ryan Liu, Nihar B. Shah, Vincent Conitzer, Fei Fang

We further consider the problem of restricting the joint probability that certain suspect pairs of reviewers are assigned to certain papers, and show that this problem is NP-hard for arbitrary constraints on these joint probabilities but efficiently solvable for a practical special case.

Nearly Linear Row Sampling Algorithm for Quantile Regression

no code implementations ICML 2020 Yi Li, Ruosong Wang, Lin Yang, Hanrui Zhang

We give a row sampling algorithm for the quantile loss function with sample complexity nearly linear in the dimensionality of the data, improving upon the previous best algorithm whose sampling complexity has at least cubic dependence on the dimensionality.

quantile regression

Distinguishing Distributions When Samples Are Strategically Transformed

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Hanrui Zhang, Yu Cheng, Vincent Conitzer

In other settings, the principal may not even be able to observe samples directly; instead, she must rely on signals that the agent is able to send based on the samples that he obtains, and he will choose these signals strategically.

Provably Efficient Q-learning with Function Approximation via Distribution Shift Error Checking Oracle

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Simon S. Du, Yuping Luo, Ruosong Wang, Hanrui Zhang

Though the idea of using function approximation was proposed at least 60 years ago, even in the simplest setup, i. e, approximating Q-functions with linear functions, it is still an open problem how to design a provably efficient algorithm that learns a near-optimal policy.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +2

Provably Efficient $Q$-learning with Function Approximation via Distribution Shift Error Checking Oracle

no code implementations14 Jun 2019 Simon S. Du, Yuping Luo, Ruosong Wang, Hanrui Zhang

Though the idea of using function approximation was proposed at least 60 years ago, even in the simplest setup, i. e, approximating $Q$-functions with linear functions, it is still an open problem on how to design a provably efficient algorithm that learns a near-optimal policy.

Q-Learning reinforcement-learning +2

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