Search Results for author: Hanyu Li

Found 12 papers, 5 papers with code

V2I-Calib: A Novel Calibration Approach for Collaborative Vehicle and Infrastructure LiDAR Systems

1 code implementation14 Jul 2024 Qianxin Qu, Yijin Xiong, Guipeng Zhang, Xin Wu, Xiaohan Gao, Xin Gao, Hanyu Li, Shichun Guo, Guoying Zhang

Cooperative LiDAR systems integrating vehicles and road infrastructure, termed V2I calibration, exhibit substantial potential, yet their deployment encounters numerous challenges.

ReChorus2.0: A Modular and Task-Flexible Recommendation Library

1 code implementation28 May 2024 Jiayu Li, Hanyu Li, Zhiyu He, Weizhi Ma, Peijie Sun, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma

However, these libraries often impose certain restrictions on data and seldom support the same model to perform different tasks and input formats, limiting users from customized explorations.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Recommendation Systems

Aiming at the Target: Filter Collaborative Information for Cross-Domain Recommendation

no code implementations29 Mar 2024 Hanyu Li, Weizhi Ma, Peijie Sun, Jiayu Li, Cunxiang Yin, Yancheng He, Guoqiang Xu, Min Zhang, Shaoping Ma

In CUT, user similarity in the target domain is adopted as a constraint for user transformation learning to filter the user collaborative information from the source domain.

A survey on algorithms for Nash equilibria in finite normal-form games

no code implementations18 Dec 2023 Hanyu Li, Wenhan Huang, Zhijian Duan, David Henry Mguni, Kun Shao, Jun Wang, Xiaotie Deng

This paper reviews various algorithms computing the Nash equilibrium and its approximation solutions in finite normal-form games from both theoretical and empirical perspectives.

The Search-and-Mix Paradigm in Approximate Nash Equilibrium Algorithms

no code implementations12 Oct 2023 Xiaotie Deng, Dongchen Li, Hanyu Li

For the first time, this work provides an automatic method for approximation analysis on a well-studied problem in theoretical computer science: computing approximate Nash equilibria in two-player games.


On Convergence Lemma and Convergence Stability for Piecewise Analytic Functions

no code implementations4 Apr 2022 Xiaotie Deng, Hanyu Li, Ningyuan Li

An extension of this proof presents a geometric characterization of the set of stationary points of $f$.


Rope3D: TheRoadside Perception Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Monocular 3D Object Detection Task

no code implementations25 Mar 2022 Xiaoqing Ye, Mao Shu, Hanyu Li, Yifeng Shi, YingYing Li, Guangjie Wang, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding

On the other hand, the data captured from roadside cameras have strengths over frontal-view data, which is believed to facilitate a safer and more intelligent autonomous driving system.

Autonomous Driving Diversity +2

Rope3D: The Roadside Perception Dataset for Autonomous Driving and Monocular 3D Object Detection Task

no code implementations CVPR 2022 Xiaoqing Ye, Mao Shu, Hanyu Li, Yifeng Shi, YingYing Li, Guangjie Wang, Xiao Tan, Errui Ding

On the other hand, the data captured from roadside cameras have strengths over frontal-view data, which is believed to facilitate a safer and more intelligent autonomous driving system.

Autonomous Driving Diversity +2

A Fusion Adversarial Underwater Image Enhancement Network with a Public Test Dataset

no code implementations17 Jun 2019 Hanyu Li, Jingjing Li, Wei Wang

Underwater image enhancement algorithms have attracted much attention in underwater vision task.

Image Enhancement

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