no code implementations • 10 Jul 2024 • Xinpu Liu, Baolin Hou, Hanyun Wang, Ke Xu, Jianwei Wan, Yulan Guo
Besides the fully supervised point cloud completion task, two additional tasks including denoising completion and zero-shot learning completion are proposed in ModelNet-MPC, to simulate real-world scenarios and verify the robustness to noise and the transfer ability across categories of current methods.
no code implementations • 10 Aug 2023 • Shaocong Liu, Tao Wang, Yan Zhang, Ruqin Zhou, Li Li, Chenguang Dai, Yongsheng Zhang, Longguang Wang, Hanyun Wang
The adjacent points with the same category labels are then clustered together using the Euclidean clustering algorithm to obtain the semantic instances, which are represented by three kinds of attributes including spatial location information, semantic categorical information, and global geometric shape information.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2023 • Sheng Ao, Qingyong Hu, Hanyun Wang, Kai Xu, Yulan Guo
Extensive experiments on real-world scenarios demonstrate that our method achieves the best of both worlds in accuracy, efficiency, and generalization.
1 code implementation • CVPR 2022 • Guangchi Fang, Qingyong Hu, Hanyun Wang, Yiling Xu, Yulan Guo
Finally, the estimated probabilities are used to further compress these transform coefficients to a final attributes bitstream.
3 code implementations • 27 Dec 2019 • Yulan Guo, Hanyun Wang, Qingyong Hu, Hao liu, Li Liu, Mohammed Bennamoun
To stimulate future research, this paper presents a comprehensive review of recent progress in deep learning methods for point clouds.