no code implementations • 5 Feb 2024 • Yuan Gao, Haokun Chen, Xiang Wang, Zhicai Wang, Xue Wang, Jinyang Gao, Bolin Ding
Our research demonstrates the efficacy of leveraging AIGS and the DiffsFormer architecture to mitigate data scarcity in stock forecasting tasks.
no code implementations • 10 Dec 2023 • Boyu Shi, Shiyu Xia, Xu Yang, Haokun Chen, Zhiqiang Kou, Xin Geng
To overcome these challenges, motivated by the recently proposed Learngene framework, we propose a novel method called Learngene Pool.
1 code implementation • 9 Dec 2023 • Shiyu Xia, Miaosen Zhang, Xu Yang, Ruiming Chen, Haokun Chen, Xin Geng
Under the situation where we need to produce models of varying depths adapting for different resource constraints, TLEG achieves comparable results while reducing around 19x parameters stored to initialize these models and around 5x pre-training costs, in contrast to the pre-training and fine-tuning approach.
no code implementations • 1 Dec 2023 • Haokun Chen, Xu Yang, Yuhang Huang, Zihan Wu, Jing Wang, Xin Geng
Specifically, using our approach on ImageNet, we increase accuracy from 74. 70\% in a 4-shot setting to 76. 21\% with just 2 shots.
1 code implementation • 21 Aug 2023 • Haokun Chen, Yao Zhang, Denis Krompass, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp
FedDAT is the first approach that enables an efficient distributed finetuning of foundation models for a variety of heterogeneous Vision-Language tasks.
no code implementations • 16 Aug 2023 • Haokun Chen, Denis Krompass, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp
This is mainly because their "training-after-tuning" framework is unsuitable for FL with limited client computation power.
1 code implementation • NeurIPS 2023 • Xu Yang, Yongliang Wu, Mingzhuo Yang, Haokun Chen, Xin Geng
After discovering that Language Models (LMs) can be good in-context few-shot learners, numerous strategies have been proposed to optimize in-context sequence configurations.
no code implementations • 19 Nov 2022 • Yao Zhang, Haokun Chen, Ahmed Frikha, Yezi Yang, Denis Krompass, Gengyuan Zhang, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp
Visual Question Answering (VQA) is a multi-discipline research task.
1 code implementation • ICCV 2023 • Haokun Chen, Ahmed Frikha, Denis Krompass, Jindong Gu, Volker Tresp
Real-world applications usually involve a distribution shift across the datasets of the different clients, which hurts the generalization ability of the clients to unseen samples from their respective data distributions.
no code implementations • 1 Apr 2022 • Ziqian Chen, Fei Sun, Yifan Tang, Haokun Chen, Jinyang Gao, Bolin Ding
Then we study users' privacy decision making under different data disclosure mechanisms and recommendation models, and how their data disclosure decisions affect the recommender system's performance.
1 code implementation • 9 Oct 2021 • Ahmed Frikha, Haokun Chen, Denis Krompaß, Thomas Runkler, Volker Tresp
In particular, we address the question: How can knowledge contained in models trained on different source domains be merged into a single model that generalizes well to unseen target domains, in the absence of source and target domain data?
no code implementations • 1 Jan 2021 • Haokun Chen, Zhaoyang Liu, Chen Xu, Ziqian Chen, Jinyang Gao, Bolin Ding
In this paper, we propose a novel recommendation framework which effectively utilizes the information of user uncertainty over different item dimensions and explicitly takes into consideration the impact of display policy on user in order to achieve maximal expected posterior utility for the platform.
no code implementations • 18 Jun 2020 • Sijin Zhou, Xinyi Dai, Haokun Chen, Wei-Nan Zhang, Kan Ren, Ruiming Tang, Xiuqiang He, Yong Yu
Interactive recommender system (IRS) has drawn huge attention because of its flexible recommendation strategy and the consideration of optimal long-term user experiences.
no code implementations • 12 Feb 2020 • Menglin Wang, Baisheng Lai, Haokun Chen, Jianqiang Huang, Xiaojin Gong, Xian-Sheng Hua
Our approach performs even comparable to state-of-the-art fully supervised methods in two of the datasets.
no code implementations • 14 Nov 2018 • Haokun Chen, Xinyi Dai, Han Cai, Wei-Nan Zhang, Xuejian Wang, Ruiming Tang, Yuzhou Zhang, Yong Yu
Reinforcement learning (RL) has recently been introduced to interactive recommender systems (IRS) because of its nature of learning from dynamic interactions and planning for long-run performance.
5 code implementations • 29 Oct 2018 • Feng Liu, Ruiming Tang, Xutao Li, Wei-Nan Zhang, Yunming Ye, Haokun Chen, Huifeng Guo, Yuzhou Zhang
The DRR framework treats recommendation as a sequential decision making procedure and adopts an "Actor-Critic" reinforcement learning scheme to model the interactions between the users and recommender systems, which can consider both the dynamic adaptation and long-term rewards.