Search Results for author: Haotian Li

Found 16 papers, 8 papers with code

Deep Sparse Latent Feature Models for Knowledge Graph Completion

no code implementations24 Nov 2024 Haotian Li, Rui Zhang, Lingzhi Wang, Bin Yu, Youwei Wang, Yuliang Wei, Kai Wang, Richard Yi Da Xu, Bailing Wang

Recent progress in knowledge graph completion (KGC) has focused on text-based approaches to address the challenges of large-scale knowledge graphs (KGs).

Link Prediction

JailbreakHunter: A Visual Analytics Approach for Jailbreak Prompts Discovery from Large-Scale Human-LLM Conversational Datasets

no code implementations3 Jul 2024 Zhihua Jin, Shiyi Liu, Haotian Li, Xun Zhao, Huamin Qu

To tackle these challenges, we introduce JailbreakHunter, a visual analytics approach for identifying jailbreak prompts in large-scale human-LLM conversational datasets.

Adversarial Attack Semantic Similarity +1

IGFNet: Illumination-Guided Fusion Network for Semantic Scene Understanding using RGB-Thermal Images

1 code implementation IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Biomimetics (ROBIO) 2023 Haotian Li, Yuxiang Sun

However, current state-of-the-art methods simply use networks to fuse features on multi-modality inexplicably, rather than designing a fusion method based on the intrinsic characteristics of RGB images and thermal images.

Autonomous Driving Scene Understanding +1

Where Are We So Far? Understanding Data Storytelling Tools from the Perspective of Human-AI Collaboration

no code implementations27 Sep 2023 Haotian Li, Yun Wang, Huamin Qu

Data storytelling is powerful for communicating data insights, but it requires diverse skills and considerable effort from human creators.

KERMIT: Knowledge Graph Completion of Enhanced Relation Modeling with Inverse Transformation

1 code implementation26 Sep 2023 Haotian Li, Bin Yu, Yuliang Wei, Kai Wang, Richard Yi Da Xu, Bailing Wang

Knowledge graph completion (KGC) revolves around populating missing triples in a knowledge graph using available information.

Diversity Link Prediction +1

Why is AI not a Panacea for Data Workers? An Interview Study on Human-AI Collaboration in Data Storytelling

no code implementations17 Apr 2023 Haotian Li, Yun Wang, Q. Vera Liao, Huamin Qu

Data storytelling plays an important role in data workers' daily jobs since it boosts team collaboration and public communication.

ImMesh: An Immediate LiDAR Localization and Meshing Framework

1 code implementation12 Jan 2023 Jiarong Lin, Chongjiang Yuan, Yixi Cai, Haotian Li, Yunfan Ren, Yuying Zou, Xiaoping Hong, Fu Zhang

This voxel-wise meshing operation is delicately designed for the purpose of efficiency; it first performs a dimension reduction by projecting 3D points to a 2D local plane contained in the voxel, and then executes the meshing operation with pull, commit and push steps for incremental reconstruction of triangle facets.

Dimensionality Reduction

Doubly-Iterative Sparsified MMSE Turbo Equalization for OTFS Modulation

1 code implementation2 Jul 2022 Haotian Li, QiYue Yu

Currently, orthogonal time frequency space (OTFS) modulation has drawn much attention to reliable communications in high-mobility scenarios.


A microstructure estimation Transformer inspired by sparse representation for diffusion MRI

1 code implementation13 May 2022 Tianshu Zheng, Cong Sun, Weihao Zheng, Wen Shi, Haotian Li, Yi Sun, Yi Zhang, Guangbin Wang, Chuyang Ye, Dan Wu

Thus, the METSC is composed with three stages, an embedding stage, a sparse representation stage, and a mapping stage.

Inductive Bias

DegreEmbed: incorporating entity embedding into logic rule learning for knowledge graph reasoning

1 code implementation18 Dec 2021 Haotian Li, Hongri Liu, Yao Wang, Guodong Xin, Yuliang Wei

Link prediction for knowledge graphs is the task aiming to complete missing facts by reasoning based on the existing knowledge.

Knowledge Graphs Link Prediction +2

An original model for multi-target learning of logical rules for knowledge graph reasoning

2 code implementations12 Dec 2021 Yuliang Wei, Haotian Li, Guodong Xin, Yao Wang, Bailing Wang

In this paper, we study the problem of learning logical rules for reasoning on knowledge graphs for completing missing factual triplets.

Knowledge Graphs

Can CAV Reduce Non-Recurrent Urban Road Congestion?

no code implementations16 Oct 2021 Yunkai Li, Haotian Li, Beatriz Martinez-Pastor, Shen Wang

A well-designed resilient and sustainable urban transportation system can recover quickly from the non-recurrent road congestion (NRC), which is often caused by en-route events (e. g., road closure due to car collisions).

Autonomous Vehicles

A Switched View of Retinex: Deep Self-Regularized Low-Light Image Enhancement

no code implementations3 Jan 2021 Zhuqing Jiang, Haotian Li, Liangjie Liu, Aidong Men, Haiying Wang

The generated reflectance, which is assumed to be irrelevant of illumination by Retinex, is treated as enhanced brightness.

Low-Light Image Enhancement

Natural Graph Wavelet Packet Dictionaries

1 code implementation18 Sep 2020 Alexander Cloninger, Haotian Li, Naoki Saito

We introduce a set of novel multiscale basis transforms for signals on graphs that utilize their "dual" domains by incorporating the "natural" distances between graph Laplacian eigenvectors, rather than simply using the eigenvalue ordering.

Peer-inspired Student Performance Prediction in Interactive Online Question Pools with Graph Neural Network

no code implementations4 Aug 2020 Haotian Li, Huan Wei, Yong Wang, Yangqiu Song, Huamin Qu

Specifically, we model the relationship between students and questions using student interactions to construct the student-interaction-question network and further present a new GNN model, called R^2GCN, which intrinsically works for the heterogeneous networks, to achieve generalizable student performance prediction in interactive online question pools.

Graph Neural Network

VommaNet: an End-to-End Network for Disparity Estimation from Reflective and Texture-less Light Field Images

no code implementations17 Nov 2018 Haoxin Ma, Haotian Li, Zhiwen Qian, Shengxian Shi, Tingting Mu

The precise combination of image sensor and micro-lens array enables lenslet light field cameras to record both angular and spatial information of incoming light, therefore, one can calculate disparity and depth from light field images.

Disparity Estimation

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