Search Results for author: Haowen Li

Found 4 papers, 0 papers with code

Active headrest combined with a depth camera-based ear-positioning system

no code implementations25 Dec 2023 Yuteng Liu, Haowen Li, Haishan Zou, Jing Lu, Zhibin Lin

Active headrests can reduce low-frequency noise around ears based on active noise control (ANC) system.


Traffic congestion anomaly detection and prediction using deep learning

no code implementations23 Jun 2020 Adriana-Simona Mihaita, Haowen Li, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu

Congestion prediction represents a major priority for traffic management centres around the world to ensure timely incident response handling.

Anomaly Detection Management +1

Motorway Traffic Flow Prediction using Advanced Deep Learning

no code implementations15 Jul 2019 Adriana-Simona Mihaita, Haowen Li, Zongyang He, Marian-Andrei Rizoiu

Congestion prediction represents a major priority for traffic management centres around the world to ensure timely incident response handling.


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