Search Results for author: Haoyuan Hu

Found 19 papers, 4 papers with code

Effective Generation of Feasible Solutions for Integer Programming via Guided Diffusion

1 code implementation18 Jun 2024 Hao Zeng, Jiaqi Wang, Avirup Das, Junying He, Kunpeng Han, Haoyuan Hu, Mingfei Sun

We empirically evaluate our framework on four typical datasets of IP problems, and show that it effectively generates complete feasible solutions with a high probability (> 89. 7 \%) without the reliance of Solvers and the quality of solutions is comparable to the best heuristic solutions from Gurobi.

Contrastive Learning

Robust Representation Learning for Unified Online Top-K Recommendation

no code implementations24 Oct 2023 Minfang Lu, Yuchen Jiang, Huihui Dong, Qi Li, Ziru Xu, Yuanlin Liu, Lixia Wu, Haoyuan Hu, Han Zhu, Yuning Jiang, Jian Xu, Bo Zheng

The robust representation learning employs domain adversarial learning and multi-view wasserstein distribution learning to learn robust representations.

Fairness Representation Learning

DRL4Route: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework for Pick-up and Delivery Route Prediction

1 code implementation30 Jul 2023 Xiaowei Mao, Haomin Wen, Hengrui Zhang, Huaiyu Wan, Lixia Wu, Jianbin Zheng, Haoyuan Hu, Youfang Lin

Deep neural networks based on supervised learning have emerged as the dominant model for the task because of their powerful ability to capture workers' behavior patterns from massive historical data.

Deep Reinforcement Learning reinforcement-learning +1

LaDe: The First Comprehensive Last-mile Delivery Dataset from Industry

no code implementations19 Jun 2023 Lixia Wu, Haomin Wen, Haoyuan Hu, Xiaowei Mao, Yutong Xia, Ergang Shan, Jianbin Zheng, Junhong Lou, Yuxuan Liang, Liuqing Yang, Roger Zimmermann, Youfang Lin, Huaiyu Wan

In this paper, we introduce \texttt{LaDe}, the first publicly available last-mile delivery dataset with millions of packages from the industry.


G2PTL: A Pre-trained Model for Delivery Address and its Applications in Logistics System

no code implementations4 Apr 2023 Lixia Wu, Jianlin Liu, Junhong Lou, Haoyuan Hu, Jianbin Zheng, Haomin Wen, Chao Song, Shu He

How to effectively encode the delivery address is a core task to boost the performance of downstream tasks in the logistics system.

An Online Algorithm for Chance Constrained Resource Allocation

no code implementations6 Mar 2023 Yuwei Chen, Zengde Deng, Yinzhi Zhou, Zaiyi Chen, Yujie Chen, Haoyuan Hu

This paper studies the online stochastic resource allocation problem (RAP) with chance constraints.

AdaptDHM: Adaptive Distribution Hierarchical Model for Multi-Domain CTR Prediction

no code implementations22 Nov 2022 Jinyun Li, Huiwen Zheng, Yuanlin Liu, Minfang Lu, Lixia Wu, Haoyuan Hu

Large-scale commercial platforms usually involve numerous business domains for diverse business strategies and expect their recommendation systems to provide click-through rate (CTR) predictions for multiple domains simultaneously.

Click-Through Rate Prediction Recommendation Systems

Communication-Efficient Decentralized Online Continuous DR-Submodular Maximization

no code implementations18 Aug 2022 Qixin Zhang, Zengde Deng, Xiangru Jian, Zaiyi Chen, Haoyuan Hu, Yu Yang

Maximizing a monotone submodular function is a fundamental task in machine learning, economics, and statistics.

Online Learning for Non-monotone Submodular Maximization: From Full Information to Bandit Feedback

no code implementations16 Aug 2022 Qixin Zhang, Zengde Deng, Zaiyi Chen, Kuangqi Zhou, Haoyuan Hu, Yu Yang

In this paper, we revisit the online non-monotone continuous DR-submodular maximization problem over a down-closed convex set, which finds wide real-world applications in the domain of machine learning, economics, and operations research.

An end-to-end predict-then-optimize clustering method for intelligent assignment problems in express systems

no code implementations18 Feb 2022 Jinlei Zhang, Ergang Shan, Lixia Wu, Lixing Yang, Ziyou Gao, Haoyuan Hu

To solve these problems, we put forward an intelligent end-to-end predict-then-optimize clustering method to simultaneously predict the future pick-up requests of AOIs and assign AOIs to couriers by clustering.

Clustering Prediction

Stochastic Continuous Submodular Maximization: Boosting via Non-oblivious Function

no code implementations3 Jan 2022 Qixin Zhang, Zengde Deng, Zaiyi Chen, Haoyuan Hu, Yu Yang

In the online setting, for the first time we consider the adversarial delays for stochastic gradient feedback, under which we propose a boosting online gradient algorithm with the same non-oblivious function $F$.

Online Allocation Problem with Two-sided Resource Constraints

no code implementations28 Dec 2021 Qixin Zhang, Wenbing Ye, Zaiyi Chen, Haoyuan Hu, Enhong Chen, Yang Yu

As a result, only limited violations of constraints or pessimistic competitive bounds could be guaranteed.

Decision Making Fairness +1

A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Online Parcel Assignment

no code implementations8 Sep 2021 Hao Zeng, Qiong Wu, Kunpeng Han, Junying He, Haoyuan Hu

In this paper, we investigate the online parcel assignment (OPA) problem, in which each stochastically generated parcel needs to be assigned to a candidate route for delivery to minimize the total cost subject to certain business constraints.

Decision Making Deep Reinforcement Learning +2

Balanced Order Batching with Task-Oriented Graph Clustering

no code implementations19 Aug 2020 Lu Duan, Haoyuan Hu, Zili Wu, Guozheng Li, Xinhang Zhang, Yu Gong, Yinghui Xu

In this paper, rather than designing heuristics, we propose an end-to-end learning and optimization framework named Balanced Task-orientated Graph Clustering Network (BTOGCN) to solve the BOBP by reducing it to balanced graph clustering optimization problem.

Clustering Deep Clustering +1

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