Search Results for author: Haris I. Sair

Found 2 papers, 1 papers with code

Evidential Uncertainty Quantification: A Variance-Based Perspective

1 code implementation19 Nov 2023 Ruxiao Duan, Brian Caffo, Harrison X. Bai, Haris I. Sair, Craig Jones

Uncertainty quantification of deep neural networks has become an active field of research and plays a crucial role in various downstream tasks such as active learning.

Active Learning Classification +3

A Multi-Task Deep Learning Framework to Localize the Eloquent Cortex in Brain Tumor Patients Using Dynamic Functional Connectivity

no code implementations17 Nov 2020 Naresh Nandakumar, Niharika Shimona D'Souza, Komal Manzoor, Jay J. Pillai, Sachin K. Gujar, Haris I. Sair, Archana Venkataraman

We present a novel deep learning framework that uses dynamic functional connectivity to simultaneously localize the language and motor areas of the eloquent cortex in brain tumor patients.

Functional Connectivity Multi-Task Learning

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