Search Results for author: Harsha Vardhan Simhadri

Found 14 papers, 10 papers with code

Results of the Big ANN: NeurIPS'23 competition

1 code implementation25 Sep 2024 Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Martin Aumüller, Amir Ingber, Matthijs Douze, George Williams, Magdalen Dobson Manohar, Dmitry Baranchuk, Edo Liberty, Frank Liu, Ben Landrum, Mazin Karjikar, Laxman Dhulipala, Meng Chen, Yue Chen, Rui Ma, Kai Zhang, Yuzheng Cai, Jiayang Shi, Yizhuo Chen, Weiguo Zheng, Zihao Wan, Jie Yin, Ben Huang

The 2023 Big ANN Challenge, held at NeurIPS 2023, focused on advancing the state-of-the-art in indexing data structures and search algorithms for practical variants of Approximate Nearest Neighbor (ANN) search that reflect the growing complexity and diversity of workloads.


OOD-DiskANN: Efficient and Scalable Graph ANNS for Out-of-Distribution Queries

no code implementations22 Oct 2022 Shikhar Jaiswal, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Ankit Garg, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Sheshansh Agrawal

State-of-the-art algorithms for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search (ANNS) such as DiskANN, FAISS-IVF, and HNSW build data dependent indices that offer substantially better accuracy and search efficiency over data-agnostic indices by overfitting to the index data distribution.

FreshDiskANN: A Fast and Accurate Graph-Based ANN Index for Streaming Similarity Search

1 code implementation20 May 2021 Aditi Singh, Suhas Jayaram Subramanya, Ravishankar Krishnaswamy, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri

Approximate nearest neighbor search (ANNS) is a fundamental building block in information retrieval with graph-based indices being the current state-of-the-art and widely used in the industry.

Information Retrieval Retrieval

DROCC: Deep Robust One-Class Classification

1 code implementation ICML 2020 Sachin Goyal, aditi raghunathan, Moksh Jain, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Prateek Jain

Classical approaches for one-class problems such as one-class SVM and isolation forest require careful feature engineering when applied to structured domains like images.

Classification Feature Engineering +3

Rand-NSG: Fast Accurate Billion-point Nearest Neighbor Search on a Single Node

no code implementations NeurIPS 2019 Suhas Jayaram Subramanya, Fnu Devvrit, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Ravishankar Krishnawamy, Rohan Kadekodi

We present a new graph-based indexing and search system called DiskANN that can index, store, and search a billion point database on a single workstation with just 64GB RAM and an inexpensive solid-state drive (SSD).

Word2Sense: Sparse Interpretable Word Embeddings

no code implementations ACL 2019 Abhishek Panigrahi, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Chiranjib Bhattacharyya

We present an unsupervised method to generate Word2Sense word embeddings that are interpretable {---} each dimension of the embedding space corresponds to a fine-grained sense, and the non-negative value of the embedding along the j-th dimension represents the relevance of the j-th sense to the word.

Word Embeddings Word Similarity

Multiple Instance Learning for Efficient Sequential Data Classification on Resource-constrained Devices

1 code implementation NeurIPS 2018 Don Dennis, Chirag Pabbaraju, Harsha Vardhan Simhadri, Prateek Jain

We propose a method, EMI-RNN, that exploits these observations by using a multiple instance learning formulation along with an early prediction technique to learn a model that achieves better accuracy compared to baseline models, while simultaneously reducing computation by a large fraction.

General Classification Multiple Instance Learning +2

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