Search Results for author: Hector Zenil

Found 30 papers, 5 papers with code

Non-Random Data Encodes its Geometric and Topological Dimensions

no code implementations13 May 2024 Hector Zenil, Felipe S. Abrahão, Luan C. S. M. Ozelim

Based on the principles of information theory, measure theory, and theoretical computer science, we introduce a signal deconvolution method with a wide range of applications to coding theory, particularly in zero-knowledge one-way communication channels, such as in deciphering messages (i. e., objects embedded into multidimensional spaces) from unknown generating sources about which no prior knowledge is available and to which no return message can be sent.

An Optimal, Universal and Agnostic Decoding Method for Message Reconstruction, Bio and Technosignature Detection

no code implementations28 Mar 2023 Hector Zenil, Alyssa Adams, Felipe S. Abrahão, Luan Ozelim

We present an agnostic signal reconstruction method for zero-knowledge one-way communication channels in which a receiver aims to interpret a message sent by an unknown source about which no prior knowledge is available and to which no return message can be sent.

A Review of Mathematical and Computational Methods in Cancer Dynamics

no code implementations5 Jan 2022 Abicumaran Uthamacumaran, Hector Zenil

Cancers are complex adaptive diseases regulated by the nonlinear feedback systems between genetic instabilities, environmental signals, cellular protein flows, and gene regulatory networks.

Time Series Time Series Analysis

A Simplicity Bubble Problem in Formal-Theoretic Learning Systems

no code implementations22 Dec 2021 Felipe S. Abrahão, Hector Zenil, Fabio Porto, Michael Winter, Klaus Wehmuth, Itala M. L. D'Ottaviano

When mining large datasets in order to predict new data, limitations of the principles behind statistical machine learning pose a serious challenge not only to the Big Data deluge, but also to the traditional assumptions that data generating processes are biased toward low algorithmic complexity.

BIG-bench Machine Learning

A Computable Piece of Uncomputable Art whose Expansion May Explain the Universe in Software Space

no code implementations15 Sep 2021 Hector Zenil

At the intersection of what I call uncomputable art and computational epistemology, a form of experimental philosophy, we find an exciting and promising area of science related to causation with an alternative, possibly best possible, solution to the challenge of the inverse problem.

Navigate Philosophy +1

Evolving Neural Networks through a Reverse Encoding Tree

1 code implementation3 Feb 2020 Haoling Zhang, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Yue Shen, Jesper N. Tegner

Using RET, two types of approaches -- NEAT with Binary search encoding (Bi-NEAT) and NEAT with Golden-Section search encoding (GS-NEAT) -- have been designed to solve problems in benchmark continuous learning environments such as logic gates, Cartpole, and Lunar Lander, and tested against classical NEAT and FS-NEAT as baselines.

Controllability, Multiplexing, and Transfer Learning in Networks using Evolutionary Learning

1 code implementation14 Nov 2018 Rise Ooi, Chao-Han Huck Yang, Pin-Yu Chen, Vìctor Eguìluz, Narsis Kiani, Hector Zenil, David Gomez-Cabrero, Jesper Tegnèr

Next, (2) the learned networks are technically controllable as only a small number of driver nodes are required to move the system to a new state.

Transfer Learning

Algorithmic Causal Deconvolution of Intertwined Programs and Networks by Generative Mechanism

no code implementations18 Feb 2018 Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Allan A. Zea, Jesper Tegnér

Complex data usually results from the interaction of objects produced by different generating mechanisms.

Minimal Algorithmic Information Loss Methods for Dimension Reduction, Feature Selection and Network Sparsification

2 code implementations16 Feb 2018 Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Antonio Rueda-Toicen, Allan A. Zea, Jesper Tegnér

We introduce a family of unsupervised, domain-free, and (asymptotically) model-independent algorithms based on the principles of algorithmic probability and information theory designed to minimize the loss of algorithmic information, including a lossless-compression-based lossy compression algorithm.

Data Structures and Algorithms Information Theory Information Theory Physics and Society

Coding-theorem Like Behaviour and Emergence of the Universal Distribution from Resource-bounded Algorithmic Probability

no code implementations6 Nov 2017 Hector Zenil, Liliana Badillo, Santiago Hernández-Orozco, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz

We show that up to 60\% of the simplicity/complexity bias in distributions produced even by the weakest of the computational models can be accounted for by Algorithmic Probability in its approximation to the Universal Distribution.

An Algorithmic Information Calculus for Causal Discovery and Reprogramming Systems

no code implementations15 Sep 2017 Hector Zenil, Narsis A. Kiani, Francesco Marabita, Yue Deng, Szabolcs Elias, Angelika Schmidt, Gordon Ball, Jesper Tegnér

We demonstrate that the algorithmic information content of a system is deeply connected to its potential dynamics, thus affording an avenue for moving systems in the information-theoretic space and controlling them in the phase space.

Causal Discovery Dimensionality Reduction +1

Algorithmically probable mutations reproduce aspects of evolution such as convergence rate, genetic memory, and modularity

no code implementations1 Sep 2017 Santiago Hernández-Orozco, Narsis A. Kiani, Hector Zenil

The natural approach introduced here appears to be a better approximation to biological evolution than models based exclusively upon random uniform mutations, and it also approaches a formal version of open-ended evolution based on previous formal results.

Diversity Evolutionary Algorithms

Reprogramming Matter, Life, and Purpose

no code implementations2 Apr 2017 Hector Zenil

Reprogramming matter may sound far-fetched, but we have been doing it with increasing power and staggering efficiency for at least 60 years, and for centuries we have been paving the way toward the ultimate reprogrammed fate of the universe, the vessel of all programs.

A Decomposition Method for Global Evaluation of Shannon Entropy and Local Estimations of Algorithmic Complexity

3 code implementations1 Sep 2016 Hector Zenil, Santiago Hernández-Orozco, Narsis A. Kiani, Fernando Soler-Toscano, Antonio Rueda-Toicen

We also test the measure on larger objects including dual, isomorphic and cospectral graphs for which we know that algorithmic randomness is low.

Information Theory Computational Complexity Information Theory H.1.1

Formal Definitions of Unbounded Evolution and Innovation Reveal Universal Mechanisms for Open-Ended Evolution in Dynamical Systems

1 code implementation6 Jul 2016 Alyssa M Adams, Hector Zenil, Paul CW Davies, Sara I. Walker

Open-ended evolution (OEE) is relevant to a variety of biological, artificial and technological systems, but has been challenging to reproduce in silico.

Interacting Behavior and Emerging Complexity

no code implementations23 Dec 2015 Alyssa Adams, Hector Zenil, Eduardo Hermo Reyes, Joost Joosten

Global Rules change the complexity of the state evolution output which suggests that some complexity is intrinsic to the interaction rules themselves.

Approximations of Algorithmic and Structural Complexity Validate Cognitive-behavioural Experimental Results

no code implementations21 Sep 2015 Hector Zenil, James A. R. Marshall, Jesper Tegnér

Being able to objectively characterise the intrinsic complexity of behavioural patterns resulting from human or animal decisions is fundamental for deconvolving cognition and designing autonomous artificial intelligence systems.

Causality, Information and Biological Computation: An algorithmic software approach to life, disease and the immune system

no code implementations24 Aug 2015 Hector Zenil, Angelika Schmidt, Jesper Tegnér

Here we further unpack ideas related to computability, algorithmic information theory and software engineering, in the context of the extent to which biology can be (re)programmed, and with how we may go about doing so in a more systematic way with all the tools and concepts offered by theoretical computer science in a translation exercise from computing to molecular biology and back.

Rare Speed-up in Automatic Theorem Proving Reveals Tradeoff Between Computational Time and Information Value

no code implementations14 Jun 2015 Santiago Hernández-Orozco, Francisco Hernández-Quiroz, Hector Zenil, Wilfried Sieg

We show that strategies implemented in automatic theorem proving involve an interesting tradeoff between execution speed, proving speedup/computational time and usefulness of information.

Automated Theorem Proving

The Information-theoretic and Algorithmic Approach to Human, Animal and Artificial Cognition

no code implementations17 Jan 2015 Nicolas Gauvrit, Hector Zenil, Jesper Tegnér

We survey concepts at the frontier of research connecting artificial, animal and human cognition to computation and information processing---from the Turing test to Searle's Chinese Room argument, from Integrated Information Theory to computational and algorithmic complexity.

Quantifying Natural and Artificial Intelligence in Robots and Natural Systems with an Algorithmic Behavioural Test

no code implementations20 Dec 2014 Hector Zenil

One of the most important aims of the fields of robotics, artificial intelligence and artificial life is the design and construction of systems and machines as versatile and as reliable as living organisms at performing high level human-like tasks.

Artificial Life

Exploring Programmable Self-Assembly in Non-DNA based Molecular Computing

no code implementations25 Sep 2013 German Terrazas, Hector Zenil, Natalio Krasnogor

The analysis focuses on phase transition, clustering, variability and parameter discovery which as a whole pave the way to the notion of complex systems programmability.


A Behavioural Foundation for Natural Computing and a Programmability Test

no code implementations23 Mar 2013 Hector Zenil

This paper offers an account of what it means for a physical system to compute based on this notion.

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