no code implementations • 25 Nov 2020 • Ellery Wulczyn, Kunal Nagpal, Matthew Symonds, Melissa Moran, Markus Plass, Robert Reihs, Farah Nader, Fraser Tan, Yuannan Cai, Trissia Brown, Isabelle Flament-Auvigne, Mahul B. Amin, Martin C. Stumpe, Heimo Muller, Peter Regitnig, Andreas Holzinger, Greg S. Corrado, Lily H. Peng, Po-Hsuan Cameron Chen, David F. Steiner, Kurt Zatloukal, Yun Liu, Craig H. Mermel
's C-indices were 0. 87 and 0. 85 for continuous and discrete grading, respectively, compared to 0. 79 (95%CI 0. 71-0. 86) for GG obtained from the reports.