Search Results for author: Helen Margetts

Found 11 papers, 7 papers with code

Evidence of a log scaling law for political persuasion with large language models

1 code implementation20 Jun 2024 Kobi Hackenburg, Ben M. Tappin, Paul Röttger, Scott Hale, Jonathan Bright, Helen Margetts

Large language models can now generate political messages as persuasive as those written by humans, raising concerns about how far this persuasiveness may continue to increase with model size.


AI for bureaucratic productivity: Measuring the potential of AI to help automate 143 million UK government transactions

no code implementations18 Mar 2024 Vincent J. Straub, Youmna Hashem, Jonathan Bright, Satyam Bhagwanani, Deborah Morgan, John Francis, Saba Esnaashari, Helen Margetts

We estimate that UK central government conducts approximately one billion citizen-facing transactions per year in the provision of around 400 services, of which approximately 143 million are complex repetitive transactions.

Decision Making

Artificial intelligence in government: Concepts, standards, and a unified framework

1 code implementation31 Oct 2022 Vincent J. Straub, Deborah Morgan, Jonathan Bright, Helen Margetts

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI), especially in generative language modelling, hold the promise of transforming government.

Language Modelling

An influencer-based approach to understanding radical right viral tweets

no code implementations15 Sep 2021 Laila Sprejer, Helen Margetts, Kleber Oliveira, David O'Sullivan, Bertie Vidgen

We show that it is crucial to account for the influencer-level structure, and find evidence of the importance of both influencer- and content-level factors, including the number of followers each influencer has, the type of content (original posts, quotes and replies), the length and toxicity of content, and whether influencers request retweets.

Introducing CAD: the Contextual Abuse Dataset

1 code implementation NAACL 2021 Bertie Vidgen, Dong Nguyen, Helen Margetts, Patricia Rossini, Rebekah Tromble

Online abuse can inflict harm on users and communities, making online spaces unsafe and toxic.

Detecting East Asian Prejudice on Social Media

4 code implementations EMNLP (ALW) 2020 Bertie Vidgen, Austin Botelho, David Broniatowski, Ella Guest, Matthew Hall, Helen Margetts, Rebekah Tromble, Zeerak Waseem, Scott Hale

The outbreak of COVID-19 has transformed societies across the world as governments tackle the health, economic and social costs of the pandemic.

Islamophobes are not all the same! A study of far right actors on Twitter

no code implementations13 Oct 2019 Bertie Vidgen, Taha Yasseri, Helen Margetts

Far-right actors are often purveyors of Islamophobic hate speech online, using social media to spread divisive and prejudiced messages which can stir up intergroup tensions and conflict.

Social and Information Networks Computers and Society Physics and Society Applications

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