Search Results for author: Heng Cong

Found 7 papers, 2 papers with code

Multi-target Tracking of Zebrafish based on Particle Filter

no code implementations9 Aug 2022 Heng Cong, Mingzhu Sun, Duoying Zhou, Xin Zhao

Firstly, by analyzing the motion characteristics of zebrafish, we establish an efficient hybrid motion model to predict its positions; then we establish an appearance model based on the predicted positions to predict the postures of every targets, meanwhile weigh the particles by comparing the difference of predicted pose and observation pose ; finally, we get the optimal position of single zebrafish through the weighted position, and use the joint particle filter to process trajectory linking of multiple zebrafish.


Multi-Frames Temporal Abnormal Clues Learning Method for Face Anti-Spoofing

no code implementations8 Aug 2022 Heng Cong, Rongyu Zhang, Jiarong He, Jin Gao

Face anti-spoofing researches are widely used in face recognition and has received more attention from industry and academics.

Face Anti-Spoofing Face Recognition

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